How often - oil change, coolant, suspension oil


New Member
It's my pleasure, thanks for appreciating it. Coming up I was hungry for guidance from veterans who actually knew what they were talking about, so I try to share what I've learned along the way. Take it for whatever it's worth.

Spring is finally at our door step. It's been a long time coming, but it's finally time to ride!


New Member
Since we're talking about changing oil....Regarding oil filters and in particular the Scott stainless steel filters, any thoughts or experience with these reusable filters? Good or not good?


New Member
i was just reading an article about stainless laser-cut filters.

it mentioned that they have larger pores and really aren't as cleanable (ie, reusable) as you'd think.


New Member
After reading your post I looked up the Scotts website to read about the micron rating.
This (Scotts stainless steel filter) was rated as 35 "absolute" microns. I won't re-iterate what the website has to say but it is implied that some paper filters even though they're rated as let's say 40 microns will still pass alot larger debris than what it is rated. I also briefly looked at Amsoil website and it had alot of information regarding same topic but need some time to re-read and digest what they are saying.