Wera race of Champions


Aug 17, 2009
I thought I would wing my suggestion here before getting lambasted on the WERA board.

Do you think if they selected the top five point leaders from each division by region, sold tickets at a given price...say up to five tickets... to be drawn for grid position, sold race entry for a couple hundred bucks and offered say 6-700 payouts and got some concessions from sponsors; WERA could have a race for the east coast titles. They could do it at a warm location like Barber or RA. It seems like it would have a large draw at the gate and generate some enthusiasm for the sport and maybe invigorate the sponsors a bit.
Whatcha think?

I know I am new to racing but I am a businessman at heart.


Aug 17, 2009
3 more words
Im -a -Dumbass
Nothing like coming up with an idea that is already in existance. What an innovator I am.


Control Rider
Jul 14, 2008
York, PA
I have an idea too. Instead of using this interweb thing to communicate, i wish someone would invent something that would transfer audio from one person to the other. Maybe each person could be identified by a 10 digit number and this device could be used to locate the 10 digit number and verbally communicate with them. The recipient would also have the ability to see who is trying to reach them before allowing this two way verbal communication, I call it KremID. This would be a little bit more complex than two cups connected by a string, but the concept is the same. Hmm......

LOL. :D No worries man. I actually thought you were joking at first. Other than the 5 riders vs 15 riders from each class, you were dead on. Oh, and the random grid positions. I believe they grid you on total class pts.

Good luck this season.

Matt H

New Member
Jul 10, 2008
Are they still working on those payouts, too?? lol. Oh, and top 15 schmifteen. Do one race and you'll get invited.... Maybe at one point it was different, but for the past maybe 5 years I haven't seen anyone not invited. Could also be that the grids are small and they need people to show to make ends meet.

But yes, the idea is already in place. Now tell me more about this KremID idea......