WTB: B Nov. 2nd NJMP


Professional Asphalt Surfer
huh-oh...looks like someone is trying to squeeze out as many days as he can...

good luck!


New Member
hey bro...I hope all is well in your pursuit of parts and glad you were still on 2 feet. I will definitely be on the lookout and give you a shout if I find anything up my way. Thanks for trying to get some footage...I hope the company can help you out with the "technical difficulties". I will give you a shout when I'm down that way.

Bryan Davis


Professional Asphalt Surfer
actually....just got an email from them and they are going to look at them "under warranty"

we shall see

bump for a candycane RR


New Member
Thansk for the bump.....let me know the outcome from the manufactuer
I'm really interested in getting one myself.


New Member
I'm IN....Thanks to Dave Reeve

Dave has managed to make a great weekend for me and my wife.
Thanks again Dave.

drevo.....I have cancelled myself off the waiting list and hoping that you too will be as fotunate as I am.
