Check your tires

twin ty

New Member
Jul 19, 2008
Hey everybody!! This is just a heads up.
On the way back from Putnam I stopped to get gas off of 57, checked my tires on the trailer like I always do and there was 10 inches of tread 3 inches long missing from my right tire. Thankfully I had a spare and swapped it out before I got to I94. So keep an eye on that stuff. So after Putnam on Sunday, Road America on Tuesday a 5K (run)race on yesterday and one today I've had enough fun for a week. Best wishes to all the guys that had situations the last 2 track events. Thanks to Ron Hix, Steve P. and Steve for the tows and Turn One for all your help. P.S. All the Nesbians that I met, nice to make your acquaintance.



New Member
Jul 13, 2008
good catch! much better than trying to get that pulled over after a blowout on the freeway.

a good habit to get into is to re-check everything after every gas and "potty" stop. looks like we don't need to tell you that, tho.
