Thoughts/Prayers for my wife please.


New Member
We just found out today that my wife has breast cancer. The doctor says we caught it early, but who knows.

After all she went through with me in the hospital, she sure as hell doesn't need this.


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New Member
Prayers and good vibes to you and your wife, Jim. Early detection is key, and this is very treatable. My mother-in-law was diagnosed in '06, and she is still doing well. Keep her spirits up and a positive attitude. SHE CAN BEAT IT!

Be well.


New Member
Thoughts and prayers! The good is that this was caught early and the success rate is very high due to this. Best wishes for a healthy speedy recovery.


you, your wife & family are in our thoughts bud, cancer is no joke, but luckily modern medicine has increased greatly!! glad it was discovered early before it was too late!!


My 13 year old is faster than your President
Sorry to hear the news..this is never good..but early detection is actually fantastic!

Since you're so close (relatively speaking) being in Wisconsin, consider Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN if you find her treatments not to your mutual satisfaction.

My Mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer in June 2009 and given a year to live. She lived in Chamberlain, South Dakota. Her husband got her in immediately to Mayo and she qualified for some experimental treatments that the Drug Companies sponsor (paid for). She was VERY happy with her treatment at Mayo.

The other top rated cancer treatment center in the world is MD Anderson in Houston Texas.


New Member
Thanks to everyone. We're going to have a consultation with the doctors/surgeons tomorrow, so we'll know more then.
FWIW, I donate my time playing music at 4 or 5 Relay For Life events every year. God Bless your whole family and prayers for your medical team, that they will be successful. Man I hope 2012 is a better year than 2011.


New Member
Wishing your wife and you the best.

My mother live a healthy 40 years after breast cancer in the 1960's so with early detection you should have a good outlook.


New Member
Okay, I've got an update. I now, officially know, WAY more than I ever wanted to about breasts and cancer treatments. :eek: :D

Diagnosis: Stage-1, early, and the lump is about 10mm in size.

The Plan:
1. Getting an MRI to ensure that this is the only one.
2. Planning on doing a Partial Mastectomy, with concurrent removal of the Sentinel Nodes with a biopsy on each. If any Sentinel Node biopsy is positive, then all of the axcillary lymph nodes will be removed.
3. Will follow surgery with some radiation treatments.
4. Chemotherapy is not part of the plan at this time.

Overall, the prognosis is good for a full cancer-free recovery. Hopefully they don't identify anything new during this process, but we'll deal with that if it happens.

Thanks again! :cool: