Recent content by 1literduceater

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    Credits for sale = $360

    Credits have been sold.
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    Credits for sale = $360

    Wish I could. I am retired now.
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    Credits for sale = $360

    I have $360 in credits for sale. 1. $185 that will expire May 2013. Sell for $145. 2. $175 that will also expire in May 2013. Sell for $135. PM me if interested. Thank you.
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    New for 2012

    Dang Jim that does look good. Aerosol, huh??
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    Kubricky charges are being filed as I write this!!!!!!!!!

    Heard his "business" came out a few times on Saturday.
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    New Q2's for sale

    Quit that crap and get old and fat like the rest of us! :D
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    New Q2's for sale

    ....and where in the blue hell have you been???????????????????
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    new Buell - 1190RS

    I have to say I too like the exhaust. Didnt Devil make something similar to that for the Honda 929 or was it the 954. I swear I have seen that similar pipe design before. Either way its unique and thats what EBR is all about.
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    Very cool! Congrats on a job well done!
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    Racing and kickboxing combined.

    It would have been a bit more humorous if the kicker then low sided in the corner after conecting with the near deadly side kick. What was with the guy/girl in the Mountain Dude shirt - you see that hairdo??
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    Summit Main 7-4-11 Videos

    Thats actually not sparks. Its magical mud from down deep in the swamp.
  12. 1

    Congrats Ben Seville!

    Hey just because I decided to check out the front tire and under side of my bike when I was coming out of turn 4 does not make me a criminal! I am done with this nice crongrats crap....when can we get back to launching insults at each other? :D
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    Congrats Ben Seville!

    Yes that is me. As I recall some of our last rides you had issues keeping up with me??? :dunno:
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    Congrats Ben Seville!

    You must be a new member because I dont know you....let me be the first to introduce myself. :flipoff: :flipoff: :crs: Congratulations Ben!
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    Roll Call - Summit July 2, 3, 4

    Yes...I think I will be adjusting your tire pressures when your not looking. Better yet let me throw a leg around your R6. Promise I wont try to highside it.