Recent content by ngc81

  1. N


    I have some suggestions for the photographer: Skip the first session instead of the last one. We aren't warmed up good until the second session and the last session is often the most fun. Put the turn # in the photo or the file name or something somehow please. It appears to me that you...
  2. N

    BT003RS pressures...again!

    To be quite honest, from Stickboy, the SE race vendor for Bridgestone. He told me to run them 30/30 hot off the track and said that would be roughly 29/27 cold. All too often here in the SE we call ambient "cold" so, no, we're not talking about Boston cold ; ) Just touch the hood of a black...
  3. N

    How can I move up to the A group if I haven't ridden with NESBA for a while?

    btw.. Hi! my name's Nick C. and I'm really too fast to sign up for this I group stuff and my homies tell me I'm king and I drag my shoulder on the off ramps when we shred up the interstate... bla bla bla so I'm just going to go ahead and paint on a permanent A sticker K? Oh, and I don't need...
  4. N

    How can I move up to the A group if I haven't ridden with NESBA for a while?

    I actually kind of thought maybe you were Doo Doo just posing as "dickiedoo" to start some sheeot! It's been done before...
  5. N

    How can I move up to the A group if I haven't ridden with NESBA for a while?

    Hee Hee, Sorry! I am just bored stiff and dying to get on the track! I was purposefully being a jerk just to see how hard you would punch back! ; )
  6. N

    How can I move up to the A group if I haven't ridden with NESBA for a while?

    The best way at any track day with any Org is to stay off the forum and keep your pie hole shut and let your skills speak for themselves at the track. Sorry, no offense intended.
  7. N

    nesba tires

    I tried to find it on the on-line store, I promise I did... Can someone please explain the store credits? How many credits = $1 ? Oh, and does the store charge shipping? If so, what is ball park cost to ship set of tires please? Thank you!
  8. N

    BT003RS pressures...again!

    I'm an expert in my own mind. ex = used to be... but what's a pert? ;)
  9. N

    **Official** RA Roll Call Thread...

    Can you only walk the track Thursday night? Why not Friday or Saturday night?
  10. N

    Bioweapon at Miller

    What a track! Have to change pants just thinking about riding there!
  11. N

    BT003RS pressures...again!

    Yes, that is really too high on those tires. The front tire especially is going to need some heat in it to get it to stick. I also find it hard to believe that front and rear set the same cold will heat up to the same pressure. I think maybe someone's gauge may not be very accurate. Not...
  12. N

    **Official** RA Roll Call Thread...

    time to change your handle isn't it?
  13. N

    **Official** RA Roll Call Thread...

    dude... it's going to be packed.
  14. N

    engine ice

    isn't engine ice slippery and hard to clean up spills? A shmay, slippery shmoo on the track can cause a crash in any group! a back protector is only required in A too, but i wear one
  15. N

    engine ice

    I just got an email about engine ice being used by AMA this year. rider's manual says NESBA prohibits it. Is it possible the formula has changed and is now safe or is AMA just nuts?