Recent content by pitmomma

  1. pitmomma

    The Hawt Umbrella Girl

    The umbrella is Joe's, so we provided it. :)
  2. pitmomma

    The Hawt Umbrella Girl

    In today's economic times, it is imperative to conserve resources and stretch to make ends meet. Bearing that in mind, I introduce Joe's Garage's FIRST umbrella girl:
  3. pitmomma

    Summit Main 6/5 AIRFENCE

    We were there!
  4. pitmomma

    Took a Picture for Everyone on Wednesday

    you're very welcome... won't be long now!
  5. pitmomma

    First Gen SV Bits, New

    Hi everyone, we're having an SV fire sale. Joe got out of the SV business and we need to move some parts! These are new and still in their baggies from Ron Ayers. Check out the Ron Ayers fiche and see if the parts fit what you've got. Then come and resuce the parts from our dusty storage...
  6. pitmomma

    Took a Picture for Everyone on Wednesday

    Gates closed, yes but it does miss us o so much.
  7. pitmomma

    Took a Picture for Everyone on Wednesday

    Just out running errands and I thought I'd snap a shot for everyone. Enjoy!
  8. pitmomma

    Joe's Garage/Stock is for Sissies

    Jonathan, it was a pleasure meeting you and putting a face with emails and phone calls. Make sure you let us know when you're up here at Summit! We've got some dates planned. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you at all! RK97--your fiancee can meet both the dog AND...
  9. pitmomma

    Dog Friendly Hotels for NJMP

    Are you two so close enough to go home? That is awesome. How many times have you been to NJMP?
  10. pitmomma

    Dog Friendly Hotels for NJMP

    Thanks all... Went ahead with the Days Inn Vineland. What the hell, right? I've got fabreez so that should handle the smoking problem. It's still better than camping in NJ in November.
  11. pitmomma

    Dog Friendly Hotels for NJMP

    I searched the BBS before posting so if I just didn't find it, pardon me. Where can we stay at NJMP that allows doggies? I spent at least half an hour calling around up there to no avail. I know Crash goes to NJMP and Sprocket too! Help! Thanks, Jane on Lincoln's behalf
  12. pitmomma

    Nesba Representin!!!

    we like 'em crazy out here in West-by-God
  13. pitmomma

    Nesba Representin!!!

    you won't get away next time.
  14. pitmomma

    Nesba Representin!!!

    Not so! You're in at least one of them...I know I saw you.
  15. pitmomma

    Nesba Representin!!! The pics I took from this awesome weekend.