
  1. F

    Pitt trackday tickets for sale April 22/23

    I have two tickets for sale for this weekend at pitt Saturday and Sunday April 22/23 if anyone is interested please let me know. They are for novice but you can ask a coach to bump you to intermediate on trackday.
  2. A

    Credit for sale.

    Had track days set up but had to cancel due to lower back issues. I have $640 in credit would like you can have it for $600.
  3. R

    $210 for $245 in transfer fee

    Like it says, credits at a discount...get a full $245 credit for $210 Contact
  4. M

    selling $195 worth of credits for $150

    I can't race this year. I have credits for sale -- $25 expire 8-30-16 and $170 expire 9-27-17. PM me if you are interested. -Mike