
  1. photosbymarty

    PIttRace Image From Last Weekend

    After way to long, and for that I offer my apologies, here are the links to the photos from last weekend: Coaches and staff: Trackday: Normally it does not take me this long to sort, but my 9 to 5...
  2. photosbymarty

    PittRace 8/27 and 8/28

    I am in the process of sorting the images and I am aiming to hit the upload button this Friday. Once the images are all uploaded, I'll post up the link in this thread. I would like to thank those who pre-ordered CD's from me this past weekend. I have had a great time working with N2 this...
  3. photosbymarty

    PittRace Images

    All images from Friday's trackday can be found at this link: They are broken down into Advanaced, Intermediate and Novice sections. CR's, your images from Friday are all in the Advanced section. All images are sorted by bike number...
  4. photosbymarty

    Pitt Race Father's Day weekend update

    Had another GREAT weekend with N2. Weather was great, groups were packed and now I've got plenty to do. I am half way through sorting the images. So, IF all goes well I will be finished by WEdnesday at the latest. IF you need to get a hold of me, or drop me a...
  5. photosbymarty

    PittRace 5-21 and 5-22 Photos

    I had a great time with N2 this past weekend at PittRace. It was great to see some old friends from other orgs and to meet new people from N2. Well run show ToddG. Despite the hissy fit the mother nature threw on Saturday, the day was great and Sunday was even better with mother nature...