Copyright claims at Summit Point Main?


Astronomer not Astrologer
Anyone else getting hit by copyright claims when posting videos that were recorded at Summit Point Main?

I have posted a few videos over the last few days, and every time a video has clear track in front of me it gets copyrighted by a company called CollabDRM. Seems like these vultures think that they have a video clip at this track, that they now own the copyright to any image taken at this track. Ive had to dispute like 3 claims now. :mad:

The B Team

Anyone else getting hit by copyright claims when posting videos that were recorded at Summit Point Main?

I have posted a few videos over the last few days, and every time a video has clear track in front of me it gets copyrighted by a company called CollabDRM. Seems like these vultures think that they have a video clip at this track, that they now own the copyright to any image taken at this track. Ive had to dispute like 3 claims now. :mad:
These google results seem to indicate that this is a common issue. Didn't seem to see anything that indicates how to get them to stop.


Astronomer not Astrologer
Yep, I have even seen useres with millions of subscribers are getting hit with vultures.