German GP???


Control Rider
Chris...that's hilarious...indeed the best use of airfence I've seen in a long time. Brian, apparently Millers Island doesn't rate for FIOS, it looks pretty great though. Does anyone have DirectTV? I am just fed up with Comcast and while I will likely keep the Comcast as my ISP, I have to find another TV provider.


New Member
DTV is ok with me..

Kubricky, I have DirecTV and the new HD DVR is quite nice. I actually have 3 DVRs, but that's another topic. I have Comcast as my ISP (because Verizon suks A$$), but wouldn't touch their Video services. Most of Verizon FiosTV is actually a repackaged DirecTV feed AFAIK. DTV is a bit cheaper all other things being equal.

You can auto-record every GP, AMA, WSBK, Motocross, etc. race that you want. The DVR also lets you set up a recording over the web.

I get all locals in HD, Speed HD (although MotoGP & WSBK is not sourced in HD yet) and more HD than I can ever watch, if that's even important to you. You may want to check and see if local ordinances or HOA has a rule against SAT Dishes.