old retro grouch


New Member
:argh::argh:Hi everyone, sorry for the delay in the introduction dept.
joined last week. Looking forward to some track days this year with nesba. have been doing track days for a quite a few years, just with other organizations and private bike introductions, (work for a dealership in north east).

so... looking forward to meeting some people at some t days this year !!


New Member
Not sure yet, it is an awsome machine. I have had the opportunity to ride it and the power is incredible. all the after market company's are gearing up with race parts ALREADY !.
Reuben and Troy will have a better showing this year, last year they had some bugs in the race abs/traction control to work out plus some other minor details. BMW has all that under control now. considering first year bike in SBK it did very well.

how about you? want one ?


New Member
I looked at the one in OKC when it rolled in... the reviews have me chomping at the bit but being a "new" bike and the costs for a bike I could (or likely would) throw down? hard to explain to the Mrs.. :)

BMW is one of the few bikes to run with the Busa out on the open road so got lots of respect for them..