Crash injury update


Control Rider
Since Bo hasn't posted, here's an update: Stevo is out of surgery and it went well, aside from some cartilage deterioration due to the delay in surgery. Looks like 6 to 8 weeks recovery before he can even begin physical therapy. Will update more as info comes in.
I apologize but some of us can't use phone at work!
Greg already filled all you in about surgery etc.I will only add one thing and that is doctor said he will need a lot of physical therapy but all the mental therapy in the world CAN'T help him!:)


Haven't been on the boards, but I'm glad to hear the surgery went well. Hope you make a speedy recovery.

Greg ZX6R

Update: Got some info from Mrs. Stevo, who stated that he is quite drugged and quite "out of it", and she's not sure how he's supposed to return home today, as he couldn't even sit up last night. His right arm appears to be held out as if he's hitchhiking; only the thumb sticking up is missing. Will update as info comes in.

Greg ZX6R

Update: Stevo is more coherent and upbeat today, likely due to his ability to now keep food down. He goes home either tonight or tomorrow.

Greg ZX6R

Update: Received picture a few minutes ago showing stevo giving the "you #1" hand signal to Sanders. He seems to be getting better.

Greg ZX6R

Update: Stevo is escaping from the hospital after 5pm today. If anyone sees a 45 year old man running down Pratt Street in Baltimore in a hospital gown, after 5pm, please aid in his escape.


Control Rider
Update: Stevo is escaping from the hospital after 5pm today. If anyone sees a 45 year old man running down Pratt Street in Baltimore in a hospital gown, after 5pm, please aid in his escape.
F#$k that call looney toon hospital asap!!!


My 13 year old is faster than your President
Wait until he gets home and discovers that the medical staff removed all his body hair for a shoulder operation..he's gonna be MAD!!!! :oops: