Search results

  1. D

    Anyone riding at Putnam this Saturday?

    I'm coming from out of state and it looks to be a rain-out on Saturday! Is anyone local that has some encouraging news regarding the weather?:confused:
  2. D

    Exhaust pipe heat rap

    I purchased a bike over the winter that has the exhaust header pipes fabric wrapped. When I ran the bike at purchase everything was fine. However, today when started the wrap is smoking alot! I let the bike run for ten minutes and the smoke did not let up. No major oil leaks are found. Any...
  3. D

    Suggestions for a track bike?

    I am looking for suggestions for a track bike. I have a stock ZX1400 and it is too big and heavy to convert to a track bike, so this will be sold. I have been riding for thirty years and all of my street bikes have been 1000cc or larger. I am new to track riding and not sure if I should look...
  4. D

    Ninja ZX1400 stock 6400 miles

    "The King of Quick. This bike makes horsepower in a totally predictable way. Smooth, obedient power and excellent feel from a bulletproof, ZX-11 sized clutch get the job done like nothing else. The fork and shock are refreshingly compliant." - per Motor Cyclist magazine. This motorcycle is in...