600 GSXR part sale 07


New Member
07Trottle bodies $125.00
o7 ECU for 600 $125.oo
airbox $28.00
Lock set with ign. and gas cap W/key $100.00
misc. box of clipons and levers 750@600 oldschool mostly $$$$


Cosplay in North America

Convention activity in the United States and Canada has become a much larger and much more popular trend within the past decade. Larger conventions such as Anime Boston, Otakon and Sakuracon have become renowned internationally. With the added public attention coming from such popular animated cartoons imported from Japan (see anime) including bleach costume and now the popular bleach costumes, cosplayers and the anime world have peeked their heads into the world of mainstream pop-culture, on at least a relatively underground scale. More and more convention goers bleach cosplay as their favorite characters from their favorite anime, and thus, the bleach cosplay costume and anime subcultures have been able to have enough influence to further the creation of List of anime conventions to accommodate for the increasing number of cosplayers. Many cosplayers jokingly refer to Halloween as "National Cosplay Day", although many cosplayers spend so much of the year dressed up, they also like to take Halloween as a day off.


New Member
I need a clutch side clip-on for a '07 750. I am assuming that "oldschool" means they are for older bikes?