And Still According to RRW


New Member
Hi all -

the newest edition of RoadRacing World (March 2011) is available online, and it features a small story on Control Rider / WERA novice extraordinaire Dave Pullen!!

I don't know if the link will work, but the story's on page 78. Again, congrats to CR Dave Pullen - 37 wins and 13 regional championships!!! :adore:

We're pretty lucky to have such skilled people within the organization. Maybe he can show me the fast way around Barber in April.


New Member
Thanks! It was an honor to be interviewed like that, and especially cool to be able to give a shout out to NESBA. You guys are still the reason I do this stuff, and have fun doing it!

- Dave


New Member
Just the 600, and just senior super bike, plus 3 of the 4 b/c super stock/super bike classes. Lynda will race the 250 and possibly the 650. We are also planning to do a couple of endurance rounds on the 650 just for fun.


New Member
It was all rigged. Kinda of like the whole moon landing. Trick photography and video. Notice how he is never pictured without a helmet while on the bike. Yeah he says because it was required by WERA, but I believe he had someone else riding the bike. Can you submit a protest if you are not racing? :D

Congrats Dave, you worked hard this year and man did it ever pay off.


It is my assertion that aliens landed near Dave's house and placed a pod next to his bed before last season. :D