Any Ideas when the 2013 schedule will be released?


New Member
? Im interested to see which tracks will be on there and what ones wont be on there. Hopefully the beave is back again




New Member
HondaGalToo;256648 wrote: The hell with that, I want to know about the 2014 schedule. I like to plan ahead.
As long as you are on the track/continue trackday with us, I will make you a promise...... you will be the first member to see our 2014 tentative schedule when ready. Deal?


Control Rider
Mr.DJ;256654 wrote: As long as you are on the track/continue trackday with us, I will make you a promise...... you will be the first member to see our 2014 tentative schedule when ready. Deal?
LOL, well that's quite an offer! We'll see how the physical and mental healing go. I mean, if I ride in 2013, who knows what that will bring? I was just joking, I'm really not thinking to 2014! ;) If I continue trackdays, though, it will most certainly be with NESBA. I am going to fix the bike/have things fixed professionally that are beyond my scope - you know, in case I feel the need for speed. Physically I'm sure I'll heal up fully in several months. The fear thing will probably take longer.


The schedules are really just part of a larger conspiracy. It is first published telepathically, using an encryption method invented by the mistress of Santa Clause. Only a select few get the encrypted schedule. I've already gotten the 2013 schedule but lack the ability to un-encryptify it.

But this has me thinking. If DJ is going to release the 2014 schedule to Judy first, she must be Santa Clause's mistress!!!