Bioweapon at Miller


New Member
Team Bioweapon did well at Miller Motorsports Park this weekend! We showed up under threat of inclement weather (it actually snowed at higher elevations) at a new track, and took trophies in most of the races.

Doo diced it up with the AMA pros and took two 3rd places. David Ur pulled down 3 first place finishes. I managed a win in Senior Superbike, a second place, and two 3rd places, with a sad 6th place early on as I was learning the track...

Our own Abe Stacy also raced well!

I'll have video to post up once I get back home, should be good stuff.


New Member
This was an AWESOME experience and we would not have been so succesful without the track time from NESBA!!!! Big thanx to B.OD, D Ur, D.{Pullen!!!



New Member
Yeah, big props to all the NESBA peeps for making us so fast! We couldn't have done this without you guys.

And huge thanks to Bioweapon for making this possible. This weekend was a dream come true, for sure!


Control Rider
Very cool video Dave! I really hope I get a chance to ride Miller eventually. BTW, Melissa and I never got a chance to say it was great to meet you and Lynda at VIR. See you at RA this weekend?

Nicely done to all the BW crew at Miller!


New Member
Hey Tom, Miller is worth the trip, for sure! It was great meeting you both at VIR. We'll be at RA Sat/Sun, be sure to look us up!

Ducati 35

New Member
Thanks could of never done it with out the help of all of the NESBA CR's that took the time this year with me thank you all.