check out my new album


nah, it went out with the arrival of the little ones.

the bike i really wish i still had was the RZ350... talk about a ride!


New Member
That's one nice photo. Dragging elbows is pretty sick.

Just uploaded a few of mine. Check them out. I am getting there :)


Control Rider
You would like one of my bikes then........


More pics here......

Always loved those old skool Gixxers!


good ones for sure, except that now that i'm 44 years old i realize how freaking stupid i was riding that bike in the shorts and t-shirt you see me in there, which is how i always rode it, even in the mountains trying my best to make the pegs scrape! thank God they never did!!!


Control Rider
Takes us a bit to realize it sometimes eh? I have been jumping my son's ass about riding without proper boots. Well, he went wide in a right hander yesterday and broke him tibia near his ankle as a result. Now he knows why I bitch about his footwear........

I am suppose to head to VIR for full course Friday and am STILL up in the air as to if I am going to go or not. He is telling me to go and the wife is ok with that, but that means I will be heading to the track while they are operating on his leg doing the plate and screw thing. Not sure if I can live with myself if I go, but damn, everyone is telling me to go ahead and go rather than forfeit the registration fees........

Anyways, we all learn somehow, right? I had a very defining moment that changed my riding as well!


my guess is between every session you better be checking in on the cell phone or your ass is toast! ; )