
My 13 year old is faster than your President
So I drive almost 700 miles to Road Atlanta for this past Sat/Sunday...and when I get there I realized
I left my tire warmers at home! F*CK~

No problem...Chuck's got warmers in his trailer.

Sunday I go out for the first session after is choking and sputtering all over the place. I get to the area between T6 and T7 where it's safe to pull over and get a ride back on the crashmobile to my pits to diagnose the problem. Yep, battery's dead...F*CK!

No problem..Chuck's got batteries in the trailer...back in business..missed one session.

Chuck, you Sir...absolutely are the SHIT!!!!!!!!!!

Thank YOU!


New Member
Yep, Chuck had my prepaid battery ready and changed my tires in enough time for me to get everything changed and tech'd just in time for the first session. I was second in line for a tire change too.
Thanks a ton! That made my day so much easier. Now of you just had some spare Lightech rearset parts... our do you? Mine didn't break until the last session so I just took it home that way. That's what I get for not having the standard issue Vortex or Woodcraft foot controls.

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