Congrats to Mikey75702 (meatball)


Control Rider
Never met Mike, but I've enjoyed his posts and perspective on things. Congrats Mike and I'll look to hear about your continued development. I'm sure it won't be long until your in A showing me the fast line.


My 13 year old is faster than your President

Congrats Meatball!


j_fuggin_t;180932 wrote: congrats!! its fun to be the slowest guy yet again :D lol
Thanks everyone. It was definitely cool. If it wasn't for Matt, Chris, and John I would still be in B.... those guys helped me out A LOT this weekend.

as far as being the slow guy, I actually got to pass 2 people in my first session... and 1 person in my 2nd session. It was fun being buzzed by some of the fast guys though..... Some of the boys in I are DAM quick. I am sure once it warms up, the two guys I passed will be buzzing me as well..


1up5down;180928 wrote: Never met Mike, but I've enjoyed his posts and perspective on things. Congrats Mike and I'll look to hear about your continued development. I'm sure it won't be long until your in A showing me the fast line.
Lol, ill be back out at summit in May if nothing comes up... look me up if you make it. As far as showing someone the fast line in A...... I will save that for Blueninja :D:poorguy:[pre][/pre]


Mikey75702;180945 wrote: Thanks everyone. It was definitely cool. If it wasn't for Matt, Chris, and John I would still be in B.... those guys helped me out A LOT this weekend.

as far as being the slow guy, I actually got to pass 2 people in my first session... and 1 person in my 2nd session. It was fun being buzzed by some of the fast guys though..... Some of the boys in I are DAM quick. I am sure once it warms up, the two guys I passed will be buzzing me as well..
yea i remember my I bump.. i was getting SMOKED by everyone under the sun, then a couple of great cr's took me under their wing & soon after that i was passing everyone.. then i got my A bump.. holy hell fast :D but i wasn't the slowest


New Member
Congrats Mike! I was pitted next to you Saturday morning and then relocated, sorry I didn't see you after that. My wife said she thought you got bumped. Glad to hear it was true! Have a great time in I group, I'll see you on the track!



chriscanali;180988 wrote: Congrats Mike! I was pitted next to you Saturday morning and then relocated, sorry I didn't see you after that. My wife said she thought you got bumped. Glad to hear it was true! Have a great time in I group, I'll see you on the track!

I saw you in the fast line in the I group once i got there.... looked good for all 2 corners I could see you :D

And tell your wife i said thanks. She helped rescue my canopy when i went to take it down and the wind wanted to take it away :adore:


New Member
Congrats Mikey Meatball-

I was impressed by not only how you rode, but by your overall attitude on and off the track. If I'm honest, I had some concerns about your mindset w/ the track based solely on some early posts on this forum. But, I have to say you have one of the best attitudes AND are one of the most courteous riders I've had the pleasure of working/riding with.

Seeing you earn your bump and the way you approached the entire thing was as much fun for me as it was for you. Keep working on the suggestions from Jiggy and Matt b/c they were right on point. And most importantly, keep having fun.


Thanks. I'm hoping to figure out that turn 6 also in hopes of minimizing some of that risk you were talking about.

I did find that after I got bumped, I felt like I was going really fast the first session, even though the times weren't blazing fast... so the second session I forced myself to touch my chin to my shoulder like Jiggy had suggestex, and things really slowed down and it allowed me to pick up the pace without even trying. It was kinda awkward at first, but felt great once I saw how much easier it made riding at pace.

Thank all of you again.... it was an AWESOME weekend.