control levers


Control Rider
anyone heard of any levers short enough that you could pull the clutch in with 2 fingers and keep your other 2 on the bars , i think those would be awesome .


Gilles Engineering makes a shorty that is also angled...


If you ride an R6, Shermoto Racing makes a solid set of shorties that fold too for only 100.00. He only has Yamaha for now though.


Why??? I mean, really?? You can't pull the stock lever with 1 or 2 fingers without smashing the other two? With how much force do you pull the lever? If you want to save a few $$ try this, adjust your clutch correctly and don't pull the lever back as far. Or at least don't squeeze it like you are trying to get the last drip of juice out of a lemon.



Control Rider
Is there something wrong with trying something new ? Adjust my clutch properly ? Man you dont know me nor do you know how my clutch is adjusted whats the attitude for . I guess you have all the answers and are the all knowing fast guy or something . Go piss somewhere else !! I know for a fact that since i cut the end short (2 finger pull 2 fingers on bars)on my TTR 125 supermoto that I keep my fingers on the clutch more and use the clutch to modulate slide more , i feel more confident when i keep some fingers on the bars . But besides the backstory i wasnt asking for any ass clown opinions on whether you or anyone else thought it was a good way to ride . I do know however that if i cut my stock clutch handle a clown like you will fail me at tech so i need one made like that . It may be a great idea it may not we shall see . thanks everyone else for the help .LB


Hey, I'm sorry, I can see where that came across wrong. Honestly that was not my intent. Again I am sorry. Maybe I have spent too much time on the wera board or something.
