Dangerous new curbing at VIR?


New Member
I just saw this posting at Roadracing World and thought you all might find it interesting. Apparently there is new curbing being installed at VIR and it looks rather unfriendly to motorcycles. I've only ridden VIR so I have no experience with this type of curbing; I thought some of you with more experience might offer up an opinion or some insight as to how they might affect those of us on two wheels.


Control Rider
That is ridiculous! I can't see any benefit to that design, except to hurt anything that goes over it. Even the suspension of the cars running over it will suffer. I would hate to have a foot or hand get caught in that when sliding over it. I know it's on the outside of the existing curbing, but what a wasted expense. Do the owners work for the government as well?


Word on the WERA board and a couple of other forums is VIR doesn't want bikes there anymore.


Control Rider
WOW,that looks extremly dangerous in case you are sliding over it on your ass,back what ever!!!:mad: