I have yet to see anything get past a serviceable O/X ring chain...so that being said, I've never seen the point in using anything other than WD40. We don't lube the chain, we're only cleaning the outside so the dirt and grit doesn't eat away at the o rings. Lots of videos on youtube and such that have tried soaking chains in WD40 or whatever for days on end, they disassemble the links, and nothing crept in past the o rings. You can also experiment for yourself if you feel like it.
I'm with Vinny, I like replacing the chain every season, maybe every other year pending on how much (or little) riding I did that year. Cheap insurance.
I switched to steel sprockets years ago, got tired of going through sprockets left and right. I'd love to shake the hand of anyone that can feel the difference between a steel and aluminum sprocket.
I'm with Vinny, I like replacing the chain every season, maybe every other year pending on how much (or little) riding I did that year. Cheap insurance.
I switched to steel sprockets years ago, got tired of going through sprockets left and right. I'd love to shake the hand of anyone that can feel the difference between a steel and aluminum sprocket.