Fitz's wife talking


New Member
I wanted to thank all of you who showed up and came to our aid on Sunday. All of your concern, support and assistance was very much appreciated by me. I recognized only some of you but appreciated all of you. For those who were able to get out to him on the track I know he was comforted by the familiar faces and the reassurances.

I will give you a status update as we have it now. His foot is probably the worst of it where the chain and the sprocket chewed through it some. It has been cleaned up and sown together and he should be able to keep all his toes. Shoulder blade broken (not sure if we need surgery yet), multiple broken ribs, multiple broken bones in his spine, and we are still waiting to hear back on the recent x-rays of his right leg. So far none of the injuries will cause permanent damage (except the partial numbness in the foot), but they will take the better part of this track season to heal.

He says he feels like he got hit by a train. For those who know us - just as I do at the track, I am taking care of him here. He is at Winchester Medical Center still and will be here until at least Wednesday.

Again thanks to everyone. You are all great people.

Eileen (Fitz's wife)


Professional Asphalt Surfer
Hey Eileen,

Good to hear he is better than what I expected. From the looks of his boot, I was fearing a loss in some toes. Also glad to hear no peripheral signs of nerve damage to the spinal cord.

I always shoot the shite with Fitz on the forum, but never realized him at the track. Sucks I now know which bike is his after an incident like this.

Heal up Fitz!!!!!!!!


Hey Eileen...I did not know this had happened. (we met at VIR last year, Andy and I - black tahoe)
but do now and thanks for sharing with us his condition.
Will keep him in our thoughts and prayers and wish him a quick and full recovery.


Control Rider
Thank you for the update. I hate that I was the one to see it first hand and I only wish I could have comforted you better. I use humor to mask the negative things in my life. I know things could have gone much worse, but hopefully he will recover completely.


New Member
It's sounds bad enough, but I'm glad it's not worse. I hope you heal up quickly Fitz! It sound like you're in good hands.


New Member
Thank you Eileen for the post. My wife and I are releived to hear the positive outlook. We were there this weekend and while somehow Fitz and I have yet to meet in person, him and I have chatted on the forum and it was so tough to hear what had happened yesterday. I'm another lucky guy that has a dedicated wife with me at the track. Women like you are incredible and very much appreciated. I'm sure Fitz knows everything will be okay with you by his side through this. We hope his recovery will go as well as it possibly can and that we'll get to meet you guys sometime in the future. Please send him our best wishes.



Control Rider
OMG. Just reading this. You both are in my thoughts and prayers for a quick and full recovery. Damn, I was looking forward to seeing you guys soon. I hope all goes well and am glad that although it's not great, it wasn't as bad as it could've been. Heal well, Patrick! Crap. Sorry to hear this.:nada:


New Member
So sorry to hear this Patrick. Thank you Eileen for the update, it makes it a bit easier on us.
I am not too far from Winchester, if there is anything that you might need, please call on me. Help with the gear/equipment, an extra driver or just an extra set of hands.
It will be my pleasure to help in any way.



Vin is in...Beastmode!
Control Rider
It's never pleasant to hear a fellow rider involved in a incident such as this, heal up Patrick and get back to posting and riding!

Lenny ZX9R

Control Rider
Hey Eileen! I guess when they got him to the hosp they found a little more as far as his condition goes. All of us are feeling better that Pat is going to be fine with some time. We are keeping Pat in our prayers for a full and speedy recovery!


Control Rider
Get well soon Patrick! Was very sorry to hear about your injuries and see your bike tore up this weekend. I will be rooting for a full speedy recovery and I hope to see you back out there soon and finally meet you in person. Take care Eileen and thanks for the update! Were all hear for you guys!