Form practicing - garage style


New Member
Does anyone ever practice body positioning on paddock stands in their garage? If so, what kind of stands are you using? I was trying it last night on a vortex rear and head set stand and the bike felt kind of shakey.


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You probably cannot get totally committed with static practicing of body positioning in your garage.

Motion forces at speed are part of what keeps you on the bike and allows or lean angle.

However, this is a good thing to do so you can work on the fundamentals of body positioning someplace else besides a track day.

How do you get to Carnegie Hall?????


Might be a great opportunity for you and some fellow friend NESBIANs or other riders to get together for a "Garage Night". One or two friends help stablize the bike while the other guy or gal gets on the bike and practices.

Work on transitioning from the straight to turn..tuck to turn. Break it down in the garage. You cannot stop and analyze this at speed, so in the garage get yourself to what feels right and commit that feel to memory.

Some points to consider..

- Hook OUTSIDE leg into tank
- Your outside forearm should be resting on the tank.
- Push with outside foot on peg
- Face where the mirror would be on the inside
- Point inside foot/toes into turn
- Lead into and through turn with inside shoulder

Yeah...I've spent "just a little time" doing this, and I LISTENED to many a body positioning class/lecture from Lenny "The Doctor"....Hell, I'll still go to the Mid Atlantic lunchtime B group rider meetings to hear what the CR's are teaching because I cannot have the fundamentals re-enforced enough.


New Member
Too funny, I do this in my garage. I had a mirror in front of my bike and would see how it felt verses how it looked. My buddy would laugh at me until he tried it and saw that he needed work too. Its not at speed, but man it does help