Good News!


New Member
Hey guys, Thankfully the weekend is here and I am treatment free for 2 days. It's a big deal, trust me! The really good news is that the cancer sites are no longer definable as such. The whole area looks the same, what my doc calls normal. We have definately turned a difficult corner and with 9 more radiation and 1 more chemo treatments to go, the home stretch is in site.I wear an opiate based pain patch now that takes care of all the highs and lows I was dealing with before, kind of in a fog all the time which I will except at this point. I stopped being able to talkd today, just a few wisppered words is all I can manage without elevating the pain. All things concidered, I feel pretty good, my daily walks with our dogs in the woods helps also.Chemo this coming Thur, another one of those hold tight requests from me to you. WE are doing it guys! Thanks for all your support, you know I love you!EarleSECR

Rick Johnson

New Member
Glad to hear some good news from you.You are definetly the ironman.
Glad your treatments will be ending soon.Still pulling for you my friend!
Keep your head high.


New Member
Earle,glad to hear your still taking those walks with the dogs!!! Hope soon to be taking a trackwalk with YO! SEE YA 1 MR.BROWN


New Member
I never doubt that you would not to come through with colors. Thanks for all the help and encouragement you've given to me these past 2 years. I no longer carry #111 it's #65, so hopefully you can tow me around the track in the near future.:D


New Member
I'm happy to hear the news is good. You've gone through a lot and I know you have more to go; just keep your positive attitude and continue on. I look forward to more good reports in the future.


Sweet, sweet news. Glad to hear that things are going well. We still got your back.

Looking forward to seeing you at the track.


New Member
Great news! I can't imagine what you have been going through but I do know how important it is to cherish each moment of each day. I hope to see you at a track day soon.
keep up the recovery...


Awesome news Earle!!!!!!!!!!! You are kicking ass brother!!! Keep it up you just got the white flag.
See you at the track soon!!!!!!!


New Member
Great to hear that treatments are working, will keep you in thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to see you at the track again.


Thanks for the update Earle, sounds you are making excellent progress! We will be thinking about you this week as you make it through that last Chemo session... Prayers for you...