Gyrocam on the Nordschleife

I likes me some gyrocam. He got the rear a bit squirrelly there around 4:40 or so. Not a forgiving track for an off though, is it?:wow:


yeah I saw that video few months ago..NUTS!
its one of those've got to be riding that track long enough to know the layout well and then it would be fun.


Control Rider
I really hate the wide angle lens videos. This camera is on the tank and it looks like it's 5 feet behind the windshield. I takes us a while to learn a 1:30 track. I would have to be on that track a full year before I would even attempt to ride like that. Either that or countless hours running it on Xbox.


Michael N of MCN news was talking about how there are plenty of people who know name of each corner...cause they live close by and all they do is run there. ...its almost like a closed circuit version of IOMTT.
a lot of TT guys go there to practice a what I heard a while back.


It's an interesting POV having the cam automatically leveling itself, sort of confusing in a way.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Lockheed Martin bought this little widget?


New Member
Last time we were out that way Wife and I were going to go for a ride on the ring with Sabine in her "taxi" sadly she was in the states racing and even though there are other people that will take you around we decided to wait...

That would just be beyond awesome. Girls who go fast rock.
note - in case there is anyone who hasn't seen this .. you must. Sabine Schmitz vs Jeremy Clarkson in a ford transit van (he had a Jaguar)

Edit this is here driving the van on the ring.
She is just so awesome! Kind of funny too.