Happy Birthday America


New Member
I want to express my gratitude for being allowed to live in this Country.

America might not do everything right, all of the time, but I really believe that She gets more right, more of the time than any other country.

I have visited a lot of places and looked at a lot of systems. No place that I have seen offers the opportunities to Mr. Lincoln's Common Man that America does, and these opportunities come with a bundle of Rights and a Freedom that I have not seen duplicated.

I also want to thank those who have given so very much to allow us and our families to live and play as we do.

Happy Birthday America.

Ben Peeples


Thanks, Ben, for making me stop thinking about my trivial problems of the moment and reminding me to recognize all that I have to be thankful for. I can control (or at least affect) much of my destiny. Why? Because of the environment I live in. I am free to think and act without fear of persecution. This is something we cannot afford to take for granted.

Much appreciated!

Best wishes on this Independence Day to all fellow Nesbians and I hope to see you soon.


Control Rider
Right on!
May I add a heart felt THANKS to all the men and women in uniform who do so much to protect our liberties.


Control Rider
On a related topic.....As a kid I always thought that the phrase "Pursuit of Happiness" was strangely out of place in such an important document as the Declaration of Independence. Now after much "experience" I've come to believe that these might be the most important words in the whole document. After all, no one gets to tell me what I want, I get to choose for myself what makes me happy! Isn't the USA the greatest? :)


New Member
No words could ever express our gratitute.

Thanx for starting this thread!!!

Can you guys really imagine, really imagine how terrifying it must have been for our founding fathers to stand up to the giant of that time?
What about the average joe who's life got turned around and had to leave his home, family, friends and HOBBY to go live in the woods with little food, shelter and no safety as well as have to fight the most powerful army in the history of time?
How many of us could do that? not many!

Thanks to their bravery and the path they set for others to follow, i am living a dream life!

I am forever indebted to you America, and all the troops that have given everything that is dear to them!:adore:

Happy Birthday!!!!