I'm Out


I got the news confirmed last week, and it turns out that I took some brain damage in my wreck back in May which has apparently left me with a seizure disorder. Which is strange, because I haven't had any seizures, but apparently that's not relevant to the diagnosis.

Anyway, that pretty much finishes up my track participation for this year, at least because my driver's license has been suspended indefinitely so I've got no good way to get out there. I don't know what happens after that because nobody will say whether it'll ever be safe for me to go out on track again. It's a real bummer.

So, good luck and have fun, everyone. I'll see you around.


Professional Asphalt Surfer
Morrand;79226 wrote: Anyway, that pretty much finishes up my track participation for this year, at least because my driver's license has been suspended indefinitely so I've got no good way to get out there. I don't know what happens after that because nobody will say whether it'll ever be safe for me to go out on track again. It's a real bummer.
ya know what's farkd up and really hits a nerve. I lived in the hell-hole of america, Florida. There is a shit ton of people there that SHOULD NOT BE DRIVING, ARE NOT CAPABLE OF DRIVING, AND FREQUENTLY HIT THE GAS WHEN THEY THINK THEY ARE HITTING THE BRAKES!?!?!?!?!?!?

and yet, they are still driving....

good luck!


New Member
Piiissssttt.... they don't check status of DL's at the track. With a little luck you could prolly find a ride there.

I have a friend who raced CCS but never had a DMV motorcycle license just a race licence. It was always funny riding with him cause he always feared getting pulled over by the cops.


New Member
Two words, second opinion!

I'm sorry to hear about the bad news, Andrew, I hate to see you out of the game, but I totally understand and support you in the decision it sounds like you may need to make.

I highly recommend you get a second opinion, and hope it all works out for the best.

We'll miss you, and you should definitely come out for some chili!


New Member
Hang in there man, see more doctors, see how you feel and I'm sure things will change for the better.

Sklossmonster;79528 wrote: Two words, second opinion!
Says the guy that pulled the pins out of his own hand using his teeth...notice he did NOT say "Three words, second medical opinion"


OMFG LOL WTF :doh: :argh:

I just got a note from the bank. After nearly four months, Vanson apparently just finished making my replacement suit and charged my card for it on Monday. I guess it'll be in sometime this week.

Time to stop having Irony Pops for breakfast. (They're part of this unbalanced breakfast, did you know that?)

AAAaanyway, thanks guys. I did already get a second opinion and it matched the first--though, in part, that's probably because all the first doctor sent was his opinion and no data to back it up, the prick, and . . . well, no point in dragging that drama through here. Anyway, it's still being checked out and we'll see where it goes.


New Member
Bummer on the news Andrew. I hope that you still make it trackside and participate in the social and the pit racing. We are gonna miss you if you arent there. Good luck with the diagnosis, and if you ever just wanna ride to the track with us, gimme a call.


New Member

I am sorry to read of your mis-fortune. Stay positive and hang in there. It will get better with time.

#12 I


New Member
We are going to miss having you around the paddock Andrew... Good luck with everything and I hope you get a chance to come out and visit.


New Member
Really sobering news and glad to see your good outlook showing through here...

Upside is (and I work for a medical facility) is that the Dr's tend to be pretty conservative about this kind of stuff.. Hopefully this is the case and your recovery will be swift and complete!!


New Member
Really hope things change for you. Always a blast to have ya trackside! let alone camping.. stay positive! Glass half FULL.
Good vibes your way Andrew.