I like the format of the new schedule.


The way it it laid out, I can copy and paste into Excel, then sort by date, by track, etc. No other club makes it so easy to analyze the schedule.

I could do it with the old schedule but this one is easier because all of the event info is on one line.


There's one thing you REALLY need to do to the schedule: include the day of the week next to the date!

I'd be surprised if I don't talk for a lot of us. I need to search for my TDs by Saturdays or Sundays and it is a PITA to look up every date.


Once you have the schedule in Excel, it is easy to fill in the day of the week.

I don't know how to post a file to the interwebs or I would share my Excel file.


I too am LOVING the new schedule/order/checkout format.

I've had my schedule laid out in my head for a few weeks now, and finally pulled the trigger on some dates this morning.

the whole experience is just easier and more user-friendly.

my membership is expired? ok, i can renew that right now. want to book multiple dates at the same time? I don't have to choose them one day at a time now, I can just check multiple boxes on the same screen and go.

The only change I'd suggest (and this is nit-picky) is to have dates at the same track next to each other - i.e. when beaverun and putnam are running the same weekend, listing 5/2 and 5/3 at Beave next to each other, rather than having 5/2 Beave, 5/2 Putnam. Again, I realize this is nit-picky, and that the page probably sorts by date, so no big deal.

couldn't be happier with the updates to the ordering process though. too often changes are made just for the sake of changing things. It's awesome to see things moving forward.


I find it annoying that there is a button to add to cart for each month. I was signing up for days for 3 different months and had to hit the button and then go back 3 different times. Why not just 1 button at the top and 1 at the bottom?


rk97;33505 wrote:
The only change I'd suggest (and this is nit-picky) is to have dates at the same track next to each other
I find this mildly annoying too and just now thought of an easy solution. (for me at least)

If NESBA added the "Region" to the schedule (because there are never two track days on the same date in the same Region) then when I dowload to Excel, I could sort by Month, Region, then Date.



that only works for you because you're firmly in one region.

I split time between MidWest and MidAtlantic, and trying to look at two schedules instead of one would suck...


pefrey;33528 wrote: I find this mildly annoying too and just now thought of an easy solution. (for me at least)

If NESBA added the "Region" to the schedule (because there are never two track days on the same date in the same Region) then when I dowload to Excel, I could sort by Month, Region, then Date.

Not doable - there's not enough room in the current format (width-wise) to add region to the tables. Some events already wrap to 2 lines, throwing the layout off.

It's entirely possible that on the next redesign the site will be wider, so we can fit more.

As a workaround, just change the "Region" dropdown up top to filter the events.



NoBull;33518 wrote: I find it annoying that there is a button to add to cart for each month. I was signing up for days for 3 different months and had to hit the button and then go back 3 different times. Why not just 1 button at the top and 1 at the bottom?
Tried it in testing, but it wasn't as usable with a list that long. If you ended up mid-list, with no button in sight, it's confusing. Plus, with them broken apart by month, the assumption is that the groups correlate to the individual buttons - having every button add the whole list was confusing as well.

The way it's set up now seemed to be the best balance of usability and efficiency. We'll likely add the checkbox/add to cart option to the individual track detail pages at some point as well - that'd allow you to add all NJMP or Barber events to the cart in one shot.

Just a little insight into the how and why behind the new features and functionality.



RyanITV;33539 wrote: Tried it in testing, but it wasn't as usable with a list that long. If you ended up mid-list, with no button in sight, it's confusing. Plus, with them broken apart by month, the assumption is that the groups correlate to the individual buttons - having every button add the whole list was confusing as well.

The way it's set up now seemed to be the best balance of usability and efficiency. We'll likely add the checkbox/add to cart option to the individual track detail pages at some point as well - that'd allow you to add all NJMP or Barber events to the cart in one shot.

Just a little insight into the how and why behind the new features and functionality.

How about having the current buttons and just adding a "Add All Events" at the top and bottom?


NoBull;33546 wrote: How about having the current buttons and just adding a "Add All Events" at the top and bottom?
Good idea, but at this point that would require a complete overhaul of the code and functions behind the page to get them to both work. I'll make a note of it for next season's revisions; it's a bit too invasive of a change to make at this point considering the rigors of the day job and everything else that needs done on the NESBA side.
