Lobby for additional S.E. region fall date(s)


New Member
I don't think I am going to be able to get enough of my fix in the fall. I know it is a long shot, but would anyone want to lobby for an additional event on the fall schedule?

It looks like no one has RoadAtlanta booked for the weekend of Oct. 12 & 13. Can we rally around a suggestion to add a date?


That's what I'm talking about. My work schedule has had me working almost all of the southeast dates I wanted to attend. I would love a Barber in September or something.


More days at RA or Barber are always good. Since the directors like riding more than I do, I am sure if something becomes available it will get added.


Ill be game for this... But guys we need to show up! The last couple events.... Atl,cmp, NCbike I'm sure nesba took a beating $$$$.


I dint know that it is so easy to add days but it has been said before and I will repeat it.... WE NEED TO SUPPORT THESE DAYS IF WE WANT NESBA TO BOOK THEM

That being said, some mid October Road Atlanta action sounds wonderful