Need help Murphy's ticker fund


“Murphy’s Ticker Fundraiser”


Friends & Fellow Riders,

It’s time to rally our support for a close friend and valued member of the motorcycle community. As some of you may know, our friend andNESBA/N2 control rider Jeff Murphy underwent heart surgery last week. He is outor the hospital and doing well, but here is the kick in the nuts:Jeff just recently lost his job due to an owner – who’s worth millions – closing a dealership he no longer has interest in operating. A dedicated family man, Jeff has a wife and two kids, but unfortunately, not the best insurance. That being said, most of Jeff's surgery is covered up to this point. Our goal is for everyone to step up and donate something to whatwe’re calling the “Jeff Murphy's Ticker Fund.” We would like to raise atleast $5,000 for Jeff and his family, if not more.

I know times are still tough for many in this economy, but Jeff has been a great friend to a lot of us and a top notch control rider for NESBA/N2.Jeff's been in the motorsports business for over twenty years, and he truly has worked at what he loves. The downfall of that passion, as we all know, is you don't make a lot of money. Personally, I've known Jeff 10+ years and I've never met someone so quick to help out a fellow friend or fellowrider in need. Jeff is always the first control rider to step up and help newcomers to the sport, and many of us owe him countless thanks for improving our motorcycle skills and our level of FUN at the track! So now, it’s time we pay it forward for Jeff!

We’ve looked into a fundraiser website, but most seem to take a sizable percentage away from the person we are desperate to help. So, we’ve set up a PayPal account to collect funds and get the monies to Jeff and his family as soon as possible. We will document all funds and be completely transparent in our accounting.

Again, we cannot stress enough how much Jeff has given to the motorcycle community, and we want to do a small gesture to make his and his family’s life a little easier in this difficult time.

Thank you for the help!

Please send your donations via PayPal to: (315) 876-0303


Ok guys I want to thank everybody who have stepped up and donated to Jeff.
But we need to dig deep. I'm asking u all to step up and donate something and ask a family or friend to give a few bucks. $5-$10-$20 it all adds up quick and trust me with Jeff he can make a dollar go far.
Now for the good bad news.
Jeff was taken back to the ER and rush into surgery for fluid on his heart, just got a update from his wife he is out and doing well. So please let's step and show our friend and fellow rider a ton of support.