

My name is Chris, I'm in Richmond VA. Started riding in 1980. Couldn't pass up the deals Honda had on leftover 2008 litre-monsters so I now have a black/silver 1000rr. Just put some Q2's on it. The OEM Qualifiers lasted 8000 miles, 90% highway. I must not ride correctly for them to last that long . . . I'm also on, as Fireblade61. If you want to put cut style sliders on a 2008+ CBR1krr, I have a template to help you locate the hole without taking the *&$% plastic off the bike.

See you out there somewhere someday. Just, please, keep the leather side up, rubber side down.
Thank you. My neighbor, Dave (also) bugs me constantly about going up that way. I will when the stars line up correctly ( i.e. cash, time and consent of the sig. other)