Newly Found Free Time


New Member
I haven't been too active on the forums lately due to using all my free time to ride, work on bikes or hang with friends. First off, I would like to give a very big and very belated thanks to all the CRs, especially Cooney and Pascal for working with me and bringing me back up to speed at the Beav, back on 4/18 and 4/19.

That said, I'm about to have a whole lot of free time on my hands.

Short version: I fucked up.

Long version: I was out riding street with my brother on Tuesday, exploring some new roads. A tight left appeared over a rise and my brother went through just fine. I made the stupid mistake of target fixating and got to the outside, which put me in the gravel I was staring at. Front and rear got squirrelly and just when I thought I could save it, I got launched. I flew to the outside of the turn and into a field full of tree stumps. I bounced along 3 or 4 times and stopped about 50ft from where I launched. About the 2nd or 3rd bounce is when my lower back hit and I heard/felt a pop, most likely hitting one of the aforementioned stumps. After coming to a stop I tried to move. The obvious course of action was clear: scream inside my helmet and don't try it again.

Fast forwarding now through being hauled out of a field on a stretcher. Getting poked, prodded, interrogated and pumped full of morphine in VCU's trauma center. And finally, typing away on my laptop while waiting for my next round of pain killers.

Turns out I managed to break my back by fracturing 5 vertebra and my coccyx (tailbone). The good news is, I can still wiggle all ten fingers and toes. I'm just going to be out of commission for a while.


Control Rider
Man, that really sucks. Glad you'll be ok though. I've been in that gravel before myself. Luckily for me, I just slid down the asphalt. Ever try using a toothbrush to clean the gravel out of your kneecap? Not fun. Give yourself time to heal and hopefully everything will get back to normal in time. Good luck with your recovery!


Control Rider
Sorry to hear of the accident but at least it sounds like a full recovery is coming. Don't know if you were and I don't want to sound like "I told you so", but were you wearing a back protector. Even when I go out on the street which lately is almost never I always were all the gear I got.


New Member
Wiggling the fingers and toes is what I wanted to hear! Perhaps quitting street riding is in order... :)

Sounds like you were geared up, unlike the folks I see around here. Consider yourself lucky!


New Member
Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I was wearing full gear (2pc suit w/360 zip, riding boots, gauntlets and full face helmet). Unfortunately, a back protector was still on my "To Buy" list. I know I should have had one, I just thought I'd be ok without it until I could pick one up. I'll definitely be picking one up now.

Quitting street riding has crossed my mind, but I'm going to have to think hard about that. Also considered saving the sport bikes for track and riding an SM, dual sport, cruiser or other on the street. Either way, I'll be giving it some thought.


Control Rider
Chris, let me tell you a funny story. I was debating buying a back protector after I started riding on the track and my wife made the decision for me. She said and I quote, "I am not wiping your ass for you, buy the damn back protector!" I had one later that week.

To all of you reading this thread, don't think twice about spending money on safety equipment. Crashing sucks, but not recovering from them is even worse.

Chris, I'll have a Percocet in your honor!


Control Rider
WOW that suks! Whats ironic is that my wife and I had just been talking about this very subject. She told me she had a conversation with another dad that wanted a bike bad. A few moms were around within ear shot and could easily hear the topic of discussion. So Laurie (wife) tells this guy she doesn't street ride at all anymore. which was responded to with a perplexed look. She then goes on to say that the race track at 145 MPH is safe to her than a 25 MPH street ride. Well according to her the looks she got from the folks nearby were like she was off her rocker. Lil explanation later about the controlled enviorment and ambulances on standby "just incase" didn't seem to sink in. I suppose you either get it or you don't. Just like understanding the need for gear.
So I wish you a speedy and full recovery but also thank you for posting and disolving any and all desire to take it back on the street.


THE Comstock
Control Rider
Wishing you a speedy and full recovery.
Just get a motard for the street. I did and love it.


New Member
damn man sorry to hear that! Don't know when you were in VCU/MCV but if you had any head trauma and it was on the weekend I am sure my sister saw you, and she probably gave you a lecture! If she did I apologize...I hope you get better, soon!


New Member
Really sorry to hear this Vega. I was also at BeaveRun on the 18th (Intro class). I actually remember you because you had the same exact bike that I did and the same # (Blue 636, #20). I was hoping I'd see you there again this weekend with that SHARP-looking bike. Have a speedy recovery !!!


Landshark;51994 wrote: Whats ironic is that my wife and I had just been talking about this very subject. She told me she had a conversation with another dad that wanted a bike bad. A few moms were around within ear shot and could easily hear the topic of discussion. So Laurie (wife) tells this guy she doesn't street ride at all anymore. which was responded to with a perplexed look. She then goes on to say that the race track at 145 MPH is safe to her than a 25 MPH street ride. Well according to her the looks she got from the folks nearby were like she was off her rocker. Lil explanation later about the controlled enviorment and ambulances on standby "just incase" didn't seem to sink in. I suppose you either get it or you don't. Just like understanding the need for gear.
Do not expect a bunch of soccer Moms to get it. EVER.

Speedy recovery to you Vega.


good luck with the recovery dude

i broke my neck in july piece of advice for neck & back injuries, take enough time off from doing anything too crazy to allow everything including your muscles to heal back to as close to 100% as possible

the hardest thing about that kind of injury is getting back on a bike

the doctor told me i should never even ride a bicycle again, much less ride a motorcycle

if i can do it after being told that, anyone can do it


New Member
My buddy had a back protector on his "to get" list, now he's in a wheel chair. I keep trying to get him to do some go carting. Glad it sounds like you'll be luckier than him. Hope your better soon.


New Member
Thanks again to everyone for your wishes of a quick recovery, I do appreciate it.

Well, I am finally out of the hospital and it feels great to be back home. I was there from Tuesday through Friday and came to the conclusion that I'm not a fan of hospitals. I was thoroughly disgusted with the lack of service, communication and organization there.

I just want to clarify, I was not debating whether or not I should get a back protector. I've known I needed one and stupid me just didn't get one yet. I WILL have one before I get on a bike again. I will also be buying one for my brother, who just can't afford it yet.

Thunderace, cheers to Percocet! I'm on 2 every 4 hours. Also muscle relaxer, Robaxin, with it. A very good cocktail. :D

Burnall, I didn't have any head trauma and no lecture. But, I was taken strait to the trauma center and I remember a young lady that commended me on all my gear.

JHSkier, I do remember seeing you there, and that classy bike of yours. :D I'll be back out eventually. Are you officially addicted after that intro day? BTW, I had first dibs on that bike/# combo. ;) Although, I have been thinking about changing my #.

Landshark, I suppose that is going to follow me around for a while after mentioning my employer. lol

Crewnutz, thanks for the excellent advice. I am going to be taking my time to heal up and slowly work my way back up to 100%. As frustrating as this setback is, I realize that rushing things will only cause short and long-term problems. As far as getting back on a bike, I don't expect that to be a problem for me. Riding is too much a part of my life and who I am to give it up. I will be riding as long as I am able to. I'm glad to hear that you were able to recover and do the same. I think it shows some true dedication.

A59, I'm sorry to hear your buddy wasn't so lucky. :( Just to reiterate, I will have a back protector before getting back on a bike.

Also, please disregard any gibberish or typos in this and future posts. I can't really see or think straight with the meds I'm on.