News from NYST about NESBA dates..NOT LOOKING GOOD

I got in contact with NYST because I became very concerned with Barber being canceled and now the NEWS about road Atlanta dates being wrong..Here GOES......I am a member with NYST and with NESBA, I PAID for 5-3-14 5-4-14 6-29-14 and 7-26-14 with NESBA to ride at the NYST, but On Calendar it states that all the dates NESBA has are not on NYST calendar and are NYST member days....The operations Manager at NYST sent me information saying(We did not receive confirmation from NESBA on their dates so we will most likely have them as NYST member days. We"ll be updating the site and the calendar to reflect everything shortly... SO WHAT IS GOING ON NEBA???? YOU NOW HAVE 860 DOLLARS FOR TRACK DAYS THAT I PAID FOR WHICH RIGHT NOW ARE NYST MEMEBER DAYS!!!!! Not bashing NESBA, just want answers so I van PLAN MY RIDING SEASON...Thanks Scott Reynolds


New Member
That's very disconcerting. We really need a response from someone at Nesba to clarify this and Barber. There are quite a few of us that paid Nesba $2k for a full season pass, and hearing this uncertainty about the track days is frankly scary. I, for one, made my decision squarely on being able to ride at Barber and NYST, especially given that there aren't that many NJMP days on the calendar.

Also very unsettling that none of our emails, messages, or posts have been addressed.

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I will give it to the end of the week to hear from NESBA, Maybe all is well, if not will be contacting paypal to get my $ back. Scott I just want to ride! Not into all this DRAMA bullshit!


New Member
I'm with Vasiliy. At the very least someone needs to bite the bullet and tell us which , if any, dates will definitely be available. If none are then we need to know that as well. I'm not interested in NESBA bashing regardless of the decision because, quite frankly, shit happens and nobody needs me to tell them how irresponsible (along with several other adjectives) this whole thing is. Life goes on so I'll get track time in with or without them. I'll dispute the season pass purchase with MC and see what happens if no information is received by Friday. That turned out to be a bad decision on my part. Vasiliy I apologize to you and Harry for bringing it to your attention, I really thought I was helping buddy.

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