Parallax Racing 7/3 CCS Road America Race Write-up


My Race Results:

GTU- 1st
MWSB- 1st
MWGP- 1st
MWSS- 1st

Check out my FULL race write-up here:!/notes/parallax-racing/ccs-road-america-732010-recap/138247952870054

It includes a link to a batch of Gron4 pictures, but here are some teasers:



Again, you don't need a facebook account to view the write-up or pictures. It's just a nice way for us to keep everything organized... thanks for looking!

eE jeremy

New Member
Has anyone ever told you that your style looks a lot like larry pegram?

Congrats on the great showing, looking good out there!

eE jeremy

New Member
It's a compliment, even if you don't like him haha, I just mean that you have an upright style, are you tall? (no homo)


Not really that tall. I think the photog got me in a corner where I'm more upright than usual, but I do have to say my riding style is a bit more upright than my teammates. It feels more comfortable for me not having to hang off the bike as much, and I definitely use less energy as a result. The downside is that I don't look nearly as good as others in my pics, but I'll take that as a trade off if I can get around the track just as fast.


New Member
I was wondering when we would hear about this on the forum. Great job and thank you for working with me at Road America!! I feel privileged to work with you at trackdays and have you as a friend!!!


oh stop it, Brent... you're making me blush. :eek:

JonGu;139640 wrote: Sandbagger! Nice work from NESBA's 2010 Asian Sandbagger Chinaman CR
Thanks Jon. Just trying to follow in your footsteps... minus the crashing and not winning part. :D


New Member
Hey Dave, you know what you get for making comments like that? A garage full of garbage.... hahaha, good luck with the sales