Retire the tire?


This Bridgestone BT016 has about 300 miles on it and two track days, is it time to retire it?

It looks like the left side has a bit more life, but I guess that's the nature of a right handed course, mainly right turns!



New Member
See the wear bar on the right side? That is getting pretty close to the surface, so I don't think you'll get another whole track day out of it. It would be fine for the street, but it is in the last 15 - 20% of life for the track. Either flip it and get another day out of it, or at least be sure the bring or buy another tire for the next track day.


FLIP IT?! What do you mean, like turn it around? Can you do that? My next track day is at VIR Full next Friday and that's a long course and very high speed so I was thinking about changing it. Man this tire was brand new before the track, I guess this IS going to get expensive... :(


You know who setup my suspension? ME! MUAHAHA... actually it's setup in accordance with Sport Riders recommendations for rider weight.. It does feel very, VERY good, as a matter of fact, I can really feel when it's at its limit and I can drift it just a bit when I do exceed that limit, but it's very forgiving. The crossplane crankshaft engine also gives me a little leverage when it comes to rear tire "feel", it's not like my old GSXR 600, that was a little less feeling. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I dunno.

I did lose control one time but I upset the suspension mid turn, full lean at 90mph, I was doing something I shouldn't have been and I about kicked myself in the arse as soon as I stopped flipping/sliding.. ;)


Flip it... Short of the wear on the right vs left side that tire barely looks used to me. If it were mine I'd flip it and keep going. Only thing that'd stop me if the tire felt real hard but after only 2 days I'd doubt it. You using warmers?


I'm not using warmers because I was advised that it doesn't do anything for street tires, these are Bridgestone BT016's, and I did 7 sessions on Saturday and 6 sessions on Sunday, so if you consider these were all heat cycles, that's 13 over the weekend! It doesn't feel hard at all, you can leave an imprint of your fingernail if you push it into the rubber and I was also told that's a general "rule of thumb" no pun intended.. LOL

I thought that these tires were only supposed to be run in one direction, as stated on the side of the tire with the arrow and rotation stamp. It's true that VIR South has pretty much all right turns! Darn it! Premature right tire wear! I'll probably just replace it.


New Member
Heat cycles are not a concern with a street tire. No warmers are needed. Street tires will actually be warm enough sooner on the track than race tires. You still want to be careful for the first lap or so.

Pretty much all tires have the directional arrow. I think that is more to show which way the tire is supposed to be mounted to take advantage of the siping (grooves) for wet weather use. Most manufacturers do not officially condone flipping. Yet, there are lots of track riders that have flipped just about every tire out there without incident. If you want to flip a tire, you need to make sure that you do it before one side is completely worn. Another thing to consider is whether the curve from edge to edge is still even enough. It is no fun to ride on a tire when the profile is shot.

Replacing it is a good idea. It really doesn't have that much life left, and it is nice not to interrupt your day with having to mess with your tire. Also, you need to develop the ability to adjust your riding style as the tire wears. You can't drive out of turns the same as you get down to the last 25% of wear.

If you care to get more life out of a rear on the track, be gentler on the drive out of turns. No power drifting out of turns, that beats up the tire life. But that can take a bit of the fun out of it!

Getting a new tire is a great idea. The other can be sold or given to someone who rides the highways or street, since it has so much good tread in the center. Even for the street, it feels best to have a nice even curve profile from edge to edge, though. For someone who doesn't hit a lot of curves, it would still be fine for the street.

A fresh tire will keep your mind on having fun, and not on nursing the tire, so I say, go for it!


If YOU are having any doubts about whether to change this tire or not, change it. I don't care what anybody says, you can't tell if a tire is done by looking at it. YOUR the one who has been riding on it, YOU are the one who knows how it feels. So don't be swayed by what others are telling you. YOU are the only person who knows if YOU want to ride on this tire again.

Rant over.


Roger, thanks for the tips, I like the flipping it idea, I just can't believe I'm going to be going through tires like this. Looks like I'm going to have to re-budget! Maybe I'll start buying those tire deals where you get 1 front and 2 rears as my front is still plenty good! Thanks again!



New Member
What kind of bike? I see 2 exhaust cans, maybe its a 1000. 2-3 days out of a rear isn't bad for a 1000.


just buy a new set for the track dude.
is not worth it...
specially given that you're on a R1.

get some track rubber BT-003 or Dunlop209 GPA are good deals these days.

sell those BT-16's on some street forum.


noobinacan;139372 wrote: just buy a new set for the track dude.
is not worth it...
specially given that you're on a R1.

get some track rubber BT-003 or Dunlop209 GPA are good deals these days.

sell those BT-16's on some street forum.
I think that you could get 1 more day if you flip it or at least half of course depending in what group you run, but it would be best to get new tires and if you get 209 please get the med/hard


I ordered a new rear 190x55 BT016 just because my front is still good but my next set will be the 211's, but with those I guess I have to buy tire warmers. I will still ride this on the street a bit but not too much, maybe just to and from work you know.

After full I'm doing either South/South on the 21-22 August or South/North 22-23 August, and these tires should be good for that.


New Member
Full is going to put a hurting on that brand new tire!! Haha If you did the two south days you will prob be ok.. But if you do south and north.. May need a new one for north or just take it really easy... But anyway hope to see ya down for the weekend!!


New Member
If I were you, I would change it, if you have any doubts it'ss better to be safe and drop some $$ for fresh rubber than to bring your bike back in pieces from your next TD. If you do eventually switch to DOT race tires, you may want to consider getting an extra set of wheels if your still riding on the street. Have your street set on one set of rims and your race tires on another.

This is only the beginning; the faster you get, the faster you go through tires... Once you get going pretty good you will probably switch to race tires and the life span will be even shorter... On a 1K you'll probably get 2 days out of a rear.


OH, I'll be there most likely on the 21-22 or 22-23, either way we'll see ya. That's what tires are for right, putting a hurting on them! Haha.. Next set will more than likely be 211's, but I have to invest in some tire warmers and a generator though :)