Road Atlanta corner workers needed


Control Rider
Due to the holiday weekend, a few of the corner workers we have contracted for the Road Atlanta event would like to take the weekend off to be with their families. We thought this would be a great opportunity to open the slots up to our member base to earn FREE CREDITS!!

I know quite a few of our members, and their family members have expressed interest in corner working our events in the past. This is a great opportunity to be trained by professionals, have the best seat in the house, and to give back to the CW’s who help keep us safe; all while earning free track time!

We are currently looking to fill 4 slots on Saturday and 4 slots on Sunday. You will earn 150 credits for the day. Food and drinks will be provided.


Will, I'm not riding on Saturday - let me know what's involved - can I request a fun corner where I can learn lines. . .:)


Control Rider
I assume this is over the current weekend???? I'm signed up for the July 4th weekend for all three days HOWEVER, I can corner work for 1 day IF that helps secure the event and keep things on track....At 61, three days in a row would probably kill me anyways!!!!


shoot me an email please jimgl3 at charter dot net I know an FBF corner worker that doesn't work all that often who may be able to. I can forward your email to her. unless it's FBF that's working it for you... they would already know about her.