

New Member
I have heard the term "squid" used hundreds of times to reference the street rider in shorts a t-shirt with no helmet doing wheelies on a 1000cc sportbike by the local mall....does anyone know where the term originated. Also share some great squid spottings.

Check out the link above.

Seems the term came from a couple different areas.

As far as great spots to 'fish' for squids, well come on over to Delaware. We don't have much of a helmet law (DE has one, but it only requires people 18 and over to have them on the motorcycle, not their head) and Hooters in New Castle on Wednesday night is full of them.

Also any Wawa or Dairy Queen on a weekend with nice weather, will have some coming through or roll down to the beach and set up your lawn chair, cooler and fishing rod. You'll snag one sooner or later.

The Ian Johnston link at the bottom of the wikipedia page is funny too.




New Member
A few older guys I used to ride with said it stood for: Stupid Quick Underdressed and Imminitely Dead. :)

Doubt that its correct but it always makes me laugh when I see a guy in a chrome german helmet wheeling his new 1000cc.


thefastlife1;7560 wrote: I have heard the term "squid" used hundreds of times to reference the street rider in shorts a t-shirt with no helmet doing wheelies on a 1000cc sportbike by the local mall....does anyone know where the term originated. Also share some great squid spottings.
I have heard "squirly kid" more times than anything else.

I have debated the origin on other forums a thousand times - people tend to call people w/o gear a squid. I disagree.

IMHO, a squid is defined by the way he or she RIDES, not by what they are or aren't wearing.

point being - if i'm ripping a wheelie on a public road at 100mph, but i've got full leathers and a helmet on, does that mean i'm NOT a squid? I think not.

I would say that squids are often seen without proper riding gear, but that is a common characteristic of a squid, not a defining attribute.


New Member
Always thought of them as squids for having thier soft squishy parts danglin about ready to be torn up/off at any time. Of course the matching IQ could be considered as well.
Surfinglbi23;7632 wrote: A few older guys I used to ride with said it stood for: Stupid Quick Underdressed and Imminitely Dead. :)

Doubt that its correct but it always makes me laugh when I see a guy in a chrome german helmet wheeling his new 1000cc.

I never understood those helmets, unless you are trying to get in touch with your inner-Nazi.

Seinfeld had a really funny comedy routine about those helmets. Might be on youtube somewhere.



I've always thought squid refered to how they ride, b/c like a squid the rider can go very fast in a straight line but almost has to come to a complete stop to make a turn.


New Member
Squid: 99% of sportbike riders.

This is actually part of why I quit street riding. I loved taking my Z1000 out (see avatar) but in the philadelphia area everybody else on a streetbike is out to do 100+mph in rush hour traffic. Drivers dont like it, cops dont like it.

I miss my days of riding by myself in the mountains in central PA :(


New Member
German Helmet Problem.

I just hope the morons that wind up in the ER with their Nazi helmets. Get a jewish doctor.
So much for the oath they take to end peoples suffering. :eek: