Stellar Track Day - Monday/Summit


Well-Known Member
I know some are busy prepping for upcoming race/Pitt, but wanted to follow up D-Zum's earlier post regarding Monday because many people should be given props.

First off, Shiloh has consistently been running the smoothest, incident-free days. Just recently by working registration, have I seen her magic in action. This girl multi-tasks like an octopus, puts out fires before they blaze, carefully listens to members concerns/issues and addresses them, dots "i's" and crosses "t's", and always has a watchful eagle eye out to keep us having the safest fun possible. She's an inspiration for sure. Her and John Farrell have been providing us with some seamless TDs in the MA for quite a while now and I'm loving it.

Congratulations to Anthony for his bump to CR :like:. This was a long time coming. Many members are going to benefit from his instruction, delivery of information, patience, and identifying problematic areas for a member and providing solutions. The couple of tips he gave me just on his first day cleaned up my line considerable and boosted my confidence. Thank you!

Thank you Big Jim and Scott C. for correcting my T9-T10 line and taking the time to show me on map. I applied it immediately after and *voila*... I saw the straight line light!

Thanks to Mike Miller for the tow to show me where I was faltering and explaining exactly why. Unfortunately, as I grew tired, I would revert to old habits out of comfort (but definitely not safety)... and last session I was just too beat up and kicking myself for not being able to apply his final tips. Next visit!

Judy, even though she wasn't on duty, took the time to try to explain the throttle blip mystery to me. Thanks. It's less of a mystery now, but still a work in progress.

Don't mean to single out only the above since I know that all staff (and you know who you are) went above and beyond (because I hear it often amongst the membership). It's all of you that drives me to promote this Club to the masses, because I've personally experienced what makes it THE premier track organization. Keep up the awesome work!!! :):):)


Control Rider
Thanks for the recognition.

What you see at the event is a result of a lot of prep and communications between events. The morning of the event we just have to hit "play".

What you see on the track is a result of our members keeping safety a top priority and our CR's giving expert coaching while managing safety concerns.

We have the best people in the sport and what you get is a weekend full of track time rather than red flags.