Thanks from P.C.


New Member
Nesba S.E. folks,
Thanks for making Skip feel welcome this past weekend, he had a god time and made it home in one piece. There is a personal issue I would like to adress, MONEY. Money is tight for everyone especially when we involve expensive hobbies. I was informed by several folks that a member brought a tire machine with them to VIR in effort to save some money,I understand completely. That being said when the tire machine starts being used by friends then friends of friends ect it starts to sting. Performance Cycleworx is a business and strives hard to bring our customers the best parts and services all the time. I would ask in the future please remember what it takes you to do a track day, then think about what it takes us to serve you. I don't need to make a killing just need to make a living. I know this doesn't even apply to 99.95% of our customers but I don't want to let it go un said either. Thank you for a wonderful first year can't wait to see everyone at Barber for the Grand Finale':D


New Member
I have access to the CR tire machine, but I would rather pay you to flip/change my tires. It is the least I can do to help out the team that serves us. Plus I have no idea how to use the tire machine. :dunno:

Oh yeah, and thanks for saving my weekend at Road Atlanta by making a custom shift rod for my bike.


New Member
Thanks man, the CR tire machine wasn't and never is the issue. The SE Cr's are the best of the best. Period:adore:


+1 for supporting PC.
The level of experience and knowledge you bring along is monumental.
Its also awesome when you can have another set of experienced eyes on a technical bike issue for the peace of mind.
Alone this year, I have witnessed (and so have others) chuck and team analyzing several bike issues and getting people out on the track.

riders from other regions and other orgs come to a PC supported days and go "wow...those guys are awesome, wish we could get a support crew like that"



New Member
The only tire machine i know of was a manual one. And it did 2 tire changes all weekend. One was for me and yes money is an issue. I love what PC does for the nesba crew but do i personally think 20 is to much for a simple flip. The other tire that was done was after skip had started packing up at the end of the day on north and he needed it done. I can understand if someone is trying to undercut PC and change everyones tires but you can't say who changes a tire here or there. Once again, i love what PC does for the Nesba guys. If there was another person undercutting you then yes i agree that is an issue. Hope no feathers are ruffled.


New Member
I think what people need to take into consideration is that Chuck comes to all of our events on his own dime. Sure Road Atlanta is easy for him to make, but how many times have we been to VIR this year? That's about 450 miles one way for him. Think about how much the diesel fuel costs, think about what his other expenses are in paying his help, having a place to stay, and something to eat. He's there all day long, and usually into the evenings offering a very professional service that comes along with many years of experience in making the exact kind of bikes we ride go fast with less effort. And when he couldn't be there due to his racing commitments last weekend he paid an AMA pro racer (Skip) to come in his place. Now Skip might not be Chuck, but he also has years of experience working on bikes and racing, and he's a lot faster than anybody else who was riding at VIR this past weekend. If you can go under 1:30 at VIR like he can, you have a lot of credibility in my book. We get that experience for free. When was the last time Chuck charged anybody who asked a question? Need to know about tire pressures or suspension set up? Ask Chuck, his advice will come at no charge. That's a pretty valuable service right there.

So to the point about $20 being too much for a flip, maybe you think it is when you can do it yourself, but most of our rider's can't. Chuck has to pay his bills and make a living, and who would you rather have doing the work? Some kid at you local bike shop, or Performance Cycleworx? And who do you think is going to be cheaper? Hell, you local bike shop will mount your tire backwards for you and not even mean to. :D

There is a bottom line here. If you think that there is value in what Chuck brings to our events then you need to try and support him whenever you can, because he won't be around long if it doesn't make sense for him.


New Member
i'm not arguing by any means. Just the way it was initially stated was that everyone and there brother seemed to be going around PC. That was never the case. Yes i'm a cheap ass and i'll tell that to anyone. Sorry for any confusion in my previous post. I do love that PC is with us and what they do.


New Member
92illpony;219851 wrote: The only tire machine i know of was a manual one. And it did 2 tire changes all weekend. One was for me and yes money is an issue. I love what PC does for the nesba crew but do i personally think 20 is to much for a simple flip. The other tire that was done was after skip had started packing up at the end of the day on north and he needed it done. I can understand if someone is trying to undercut PC and change everyones tires but you can't say who changes a tire here or there. Once again, i love what PC does for the Nesba guys. If there was another person undercutting you then yes i agree that is an issue. Hope no feathers are ruffled.
Feathers officially ruffled,as far as me saying who can and can't change thier own tires I can't. But from now on I can decide who I do business with. It's simple math really. If you don't understand it's too bad really. I know more than two tires were done on someones machine, teh point isn't to make people spend money at PC but more to drive the nail home with some consistancy as to who is there to do what. Several folks came to Skip and asked him how much a flip was and they said it was too much.Skip also had people ask him to break beads on tires and he did so. That also tells me those folks were having there tire serviced somewhere else. I have personally given lots of parts and labor away when I shouldn't have this year. Needless to say there are only a few folks who booger it up. In the end PC will keep rolling along the way it always does with class.
If someone doesn't like the pricing they should understand the above post by JRA who has paid retail for every part and service he has had done. Most of the time we are the same price as the internet,simply put it's a dog eat dog situation out there and I'm trying to establish myself as THE premier Vendor in the SE region. I have gone out of my way nearly every time i am asked not to mention being beat up by people over sales tax issues and various other things. I'm not going to try and justify my business plan or motives any more. If you need me I'll be here if not then...........Oh well. :banghead:


My 13 year old is faster than your President
In my almost 10 years with NESBA's always been $20 to flip a tire.

I paid a local shop to mount/balance a set of tires once that I bought trackside. I like to have my tires set before I leave for a trip because I just want that out of the way before I leave. I learned my lesson..that local shop charged me $100 (one standard hour of labor) to do what Chuck does for $20/tire..or free if you're buying tires from him.

I've bought tires from Chuck, and even though he's able to do mounting and balancing for me, quite often I just take them home for the next event and still do them myself at home because I can see Chuck's Team is busy helping others.

While everything else has gone up exponentially since the last decade has come and gone..this has been constant.

The NESBA trackside support has always been tremendous..but this year's support and service with PCWX has absolutely raised the bar to a new standard that will be hard for anyone, anywhere to even come close.

some guy #2

$20 to flip is a reasonable cost.

Do you flip tires for free that are bought from you Chuck?

I think the issue here is tires, not the great service P.C. is providing to NESBA. My buddy had P.C. help him out in a bind for no charge and little things like that add up in the end.

Now I want to know about this CR tire machine. What else do they get for free? I'm typing this with a bit of anger so my good judgement is being clouded.


New Member
Lonewrench;219833 wrote: Thanks man, The SE Cr's are the best of the best. Period:adore:
:agree: Not that my opinion matters all too much but I totally agree with that Brotha!


New Member
I LOVE supporting local vendors that can give you that specialized support. Not to mention the wealth of knowledge. Trust me, I've been in the Fiero community going on 10 years now and there is nobody better to ask for anything than guys that have a passion for that car. Parts are almost impossible to find and nobody is making aftermarket parts for them. We HAVE to use our small name vendors for anything. Support them any way you can because when they are gone, what then?

BTW: Chuck, I still owe you $8 for tire disposal when you changed mine at RA.


New Member
I dont flip tires for free that are purchased from me. You recieve free mounting and blancing when you buy the tires whether its at the track or over the phone.


Lonewrench;219896 wrote: I dont flip tires for free that are purchased from me. You recieve free mounting and blancing when you buy the tires whether its at the track or over the phone.
And this is no different than buying tires for your car, some places you get free mounting and balancing. You take the car back and want the tires rotated, you pay for that.


New Member
$20 for a flip/mount is cheap in my opinion.

At the dealerships that I know of it is $35 per tire to mount, whether you bought them there or not.

At cyclegear it is 20$ if you bought there, or 30$ if you didn't... keep in mind both of these places will often refuse to flip tires as well. Flipping is no easier and no less work than mounting.

Add in the fact that the service is now track side and it still matches the cheapest price I know of?

No one is in the motorcycle business to get rich... I just like having food on my table and I am sure Chuck does too.


New Member
I will happily pay $20 to have a tire flipped. I am more than capable, I have a tire changer. I am supporting a service that provides much more to me than a simple tire change (and believe me I am I real cheap ass, I drive a 94 F350 with 330k still the orginal engine: it ain't dead yet and I will continue to drive it, sorry for the diesel fumes when I drive by). If I need a piece of heat shielding, that I didn't bring, earplugs, or brake pads. Chuck brought it for me. That $20 may be the differnece between me riding and not, brake fade into 10a at Road Altanta is serious puckering shit. Chuck can have my $20. Maybe you will never use his services, but if you need it and he is not there, it will cost you alot more than $20 to find it somewhere else.

Support the man.


New Member
More of the same....

Chuck has been Great and the price is very reasonable..... always!! We should support them as best we can!! :D


Free mounting for purchasing tires from PC trackside? Twenty Dollar's for flipping tires? While you all are contemplating wether to get that work done or not, I will be riding!!! Throw the man a 20 spot for the flip, hell throw him a extra bone or two after he put's the tires on. You never know when you made need him in a pinch and he remembers your attitude or that ten spot you threw him when you didn't have to. That's how I look at things........... You never know. Karma has a funny way of rearing it's head from time to time.


wow... i don't know where to start... first i'd like to say that i really appreciate you being here for us and i tell you that every time i see you (usually several times a weekend). i've bought parts from you and i've used your services (dyno run at vir). you really saved me when i needed brake pads to finish the weekend. i paid double what i normally pay for the same pads (not saying you over charged me, what i paid was the typical price but i can usually find deals on fleabay where i can get both cards for the price of one). i was more than happy to pay your price (which i thought was more than fair) and didn't even blink an eye about it (that's what you get for not coming to the track prepared). i was just happy you had what i needed so i didn't have to go home early and miss a day of riding at vir.

as far as the tire changer goes, i brought it with me to do my tires. i normally have all that stuff done before i get to the track. i'd much rather not even mess with it at the track but i ran out of time and NEEDED to get there asap due to the limited amount of power available at patriot. i needed to flip my rear tire to make it through the weekend. in the end i decided to not even mess with it as i had a slick mounted on my spare wheel that i really wanted to try. i had been hesitant about running it due to the difference in tire diameters (180/55 power one vs 195/65 n-tec slick). i talked to skip about my thoughts on adjusting my ride height with my stock shock. i needed to lower the rear 8mm but i only had about 5.6mm available. he eased my worries and i was very grateful for his input.

sorry, i'm getting sidetracked here... back to the tire changer... there were a total of 3 tires that made their way to my tire changer. one was joe who already posted in this thread and we were pitted together. iirc, he bought a take off from skip on sunday and asked me if he could use my stand and bead breaker (he had HIS no-mar bar with him). he actually ended up paying skip $7 to put air in the tire b/c he was having trouble getting the bead to seat. that tire was resisting the whole way, they were using straps and every trick in the book to get the bead to finally catch. he even gave skip a jump at the end of the day when the truck wouldn't start and i came over to help skip load your tire machine in the trailer when we were moving from patriot to north.

the second was another friend who i came to the track with. he went over to your trailer monday afternoon and skip was busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. he was looking to get a tire flipped before his next session and it wasn't gonna happen. he came by and asked if he could use my tire changer b/c there were like 4 or 5 people ahead of him at the tire trailer.

the third was another friend who was coming back from the tire trailer that was already closed. he was coming by my pit and mentioned that he wanted to put a new tire on but they were already closed, so i helped him out. he was the ONLY one i took any money from b/c he insisted on paying me. i had no intentions of trying to take any business away from you or try to make any money changing tires at the track. i was there to ride and that's it!!!

as far as people going to skip to have beads broke, they weren't from any tires that were changed by me. i brought my stuff to save myself some time, trouble and money. if i had to carry my wheels down to the trailer to break the bead, that's kinda defeating the main reason for bringing my changer. if this really is true, then someone else had their own tire changer there too.

i sincerely hope there are no hard feelings