Tires for track day (not brand new)


New Member
Howdy all

I'm getting ready for my second track day and I have already spent a lot of ca$h already. I have tires on the i'm taking to the track, but to be honest, I'm not trying to pay for a new set of tires, if I don't have to. I have heard a lot of different info on what could be acceptable. I read the riders manual about having half tread in the center, and I read somewhere that if the center has flattened out that I should be ok. I have attached some photos of what the tire looks now. Any help or advice is appreciated. 20150607_165622.jpg 20150607_165622.jpg 20150607_165622.jpg 20150607_165604a.jpg


Control Rider
Those look brand new. Run them. When you get faster upgrade to race DOTs or slicks. You can buy 'take-offs' from racers for cheap to save some cash.


Control Rider
Looks like enough tread left to me. Don't forget to put the valve cap back on...
Is that a gold colored chain or rust? If rust, clean it with some WD40 and lube it. Might want to clean up the brake pad pin, and the front brake pins, too, if they look as dirty/rusty. The pads can hang up on the dirt and not fully retract.


New Member
Thanks NegativeCamber.

HondaGalToo its a gold color chain. I'll work on the pins. I did do my first track day on these tires and they were fairly new (only 300 miles on them). This is my back up and maybe it will be turned into a track bike.


Control Rider
Cool. Yeah, the tires look fine. They look like maybe Q3s or some other hypersport street tire? If so, you should get more than a few trackdays out of them.

Otto Man

Control Rider
Looks like Michelin Pilot Powers to me. I got about 15k (total) worth of street miles on them. Good tires...they'll last you till middle pack "I" group pace before they start getting greasy on you out on track.


Vin is in...Beastmode!
Control Rider
Yes the tire look good to me, like Judy said you may want to clean/lube your bike.