What are the rules/best practices with mounting cameras?


New Member
I want to film with a chin mount, a selfie stick mount off a rearset, and a tank mount. I couldn't find anything in the rules about camera mounting. I know safety wire is highly recommended. Just want to know what's allowed and what is safe.


Control Rider
My understanding is no helmet mounts and all other mounts must also be tethered in addition to the secure mount. That's how we tech.

Consider that you don't want it to come off, or to be able to get caught in anything like steering, chain, brakes, etc.

The B Team

Also, no long extension poles hanging off the tail. Saw a dude get sent back for that once...he came back with the cam (360 gopro) mounted directly to the mount and passed no problem. Looking at your intended plan, the tank mount is probably ok but the other two are out.


Control Rider
Just a thought but why would you want a lever arm attached to your helmet? If you exit the bike you really don't want something to take hold of your head and twist it........