who's ready


New Member
Took the bike around the storage unit lot this weekend even though it was missing a right side footpeg. That's how ready I am to start riding.


New Member
I am ready to ride mentally, but I think my bike is going to be lugging around an extra 10 pounds this year. Time to hit the gym and start running again. :banghead:

I will see you guys at Barber. I would like to go to NOLA, but I will have to put it off until the end of the year.


New Member
I can smell it,and almost taste it.....:rolleyes: ok, I can taste it.. ankle,fixed bike,ready to roll


New Member
It's taken a few months but all of the injuries have healed and the bike is almost ready. It's looking like Easter Sunday will be my first day. I guess I'm going to have to get up early and have mass in the paddock prior to the rider's meeting. It looks like NCCAR might be my new home track. Taylor, I just have one question..... Have you seen my pants?


Im definitely ready. Ive been taking the Buell out for short runs any time the weather is decent.

Easter Sunday will be my first run this spring too. Im going to try and head out saturday night to catch up with the guys and make some new friends. I think i might have to start the season out with a little grillin' out and relaxin.


New Member
Yup, more than ready for the track this year. As of now it looks like we're gonna be hittin about 16 of the SE events this season and can't wait!!


New Member
^ Be looking for ya bro! Needs me a triple click and I'm all set. More than ready to get this started.


Control Rider
So far, I have taken three different track bikes out on the back roads with no lights, no tags, and no wallet. Yeah. I am ready.


New Member
I'm more than ready, Hell at this point I'd put nobbies on and ride in the dirt if I could get some track time on it. But I'll wait a bit longer and be all ready to go in March sometime. Taylor, Scott has been asking for his pants for awhile, can you help the poor guy out....


New Member
Scott, I think at this point every one know's you don't own pants. looking forward to some laps with you, Mike and Jon.

look's like a lot of events for the S.E. way to go NESBA.

I do have a question, If hangin' with the IRISH RACING team the night before can we start registration around 10:30am or so? I may need more time to recover from all the expliots of the party. Sorry, I'm getting old.

y'all be good


New Member
I 2nd that one, I can't stay up with Kenny all night and then even come close to getting up before 9....LOL


New Member
Taylor... I'm ready to ride and looking forward to the new season and seeing everyone. I find myself in my basement and looking for things to do to the bike.


New Member
We gotta couple good things in the works for 2012. Can Not Wait to get back on the track, do some serious ridin and see our NESBA family!