Woodcraft or Chickenhawk?


New Member
I just had my first problem with my Woodcrafts - and got phenomenal customer service. There was a known issue with some of their older warmers, and they made it right even though it was out of warranty. In addition they offered to send me backup warmers for a race - that was awesome!

To be fair, I also have a set of CH pole positions and they are fine - but I like the quick disconnect feature on the Woodcrafts - it has saved me from burning them up several times.
Speaking with Chicken Hawk I mentioned the disconnecting feature of the Woodcrafts. CH used to have the feature but discontinued it because it reduced the reliability of the warmers - i.e. it was another connection and thus something else that could break. I didn't particularly like his tone but it seems they feel it's up to the rider to know how to use the product and to remember to unplug the warmers.

I'm going to have to put some sort of reminder on mine.

Sobottka, thanks for the suggestion about the eco feature. I don't use the setting and now know not to. I'll bounce the question off CH. If true it's easy math a few cents more for gas or a day (or more) with no warmers + repair cost or worse new warmers.

Just a fine point.


some guy #2

I've never forgotten to unplug my warmers. The power strip is right next to my bike so I always unplug them first and lay them out on a table or drape them over the stands.
I called Chicken Hawk about the economy setting on the generators. Bottom line is he didn't know but doesn't think it would be a problem. Nice guy but a little light on electrical theory and heavy on impatience.

As I see it it depends on how fast the generator can come up to speed. The warmers seem like a purely resistive load. I think until the generator can come up to speed the warmers will put out something less than their rated wattage and this should only last for a brief moment.

The tech did say that their warmers do work down to about 100 volts.

I'll use the eco setting since the tech says it's OK and there's nothing discouraging it in the warmer's instructions.

Hope this helps.



Control Rider
i just upgraded to CH after having multiple failures with WC warmers. my first set the the front quit working and the rear toggle broke. they sent me a remanufactured set with the newer style toggle switches as they had issues with the older ones. the rear quit working after 5 TDs; light lit but wouldnt heat anymore. Everytime i have worked with them the customer service has been great but with so many failures in such short time i decided i needed a backup set. i had an old set of suzakas that were the cheepy one back in the day and the front had a short (could bend the cord and would warm) and the rear got burned up so i sent them in for repair figuring id get another set of suzuka cheepy's for backups but decided to go the pro digital whatevertheycallits CH model. will they last longer? time will tell...but out of all the old warmers ive seen in the puts CH seems to be very popular. plus, ive spent as much for repairs/replacements on the woodcrafts id almost have bought the top of the CHs 3 years ago.


New Member
I just ordered a set of dual-temp Woodcraft myself. I personally have no experience with either, however the Chicken Hawks were on eternal back-order from my supplier...Just be sure to check availability...


We picked up our new CHR warmers about a month ago and they've been working great. The warmers work so well and get so hot on the hot setting, that sometimes we'll bump them down to medium in between races/lunch, given how hot it's been outside at the last few races we've been to. That's how well they've been working.

Overall, very impressed with the warmers. FYI, they still have the quick disconnect on ours, along with the side curtains. Here's a pic of what they look like, for anyone interested:

fustyd;245519 wrote: Biggest misconception out there! The "green" led light ONLY means the internal thermostat has reached the specified setting. It does NOT mean the tire is up to temperature.

I know several racers who have made this mistake and have went out on what they thought were HOT tires but were actually still COLD becuase they saw the "green" led.

After a warmer has reached temp, it will take approx. 40-60 minutes depending on the tire warmer being used, the tire itself, and other atmospheric conditions before it is "heat soaked". Only then will you achieve maximum grip and avoid cold tearing (when the outer layer is hot but the layer 1-3mm inside isn't).
Don't know about all this but I can remove my digital warmers without unplugging. As I posted earlier WC eliminated the feature for having to unplug before removal.

Just don't be in a rush. Give yourself time to prepare for the session by doing what is needed to get on the track. I wait for the second call from the grid marshal so the warmers can do their job as long as possible but I don't wait for the final call where I would feel rushed. I unplug, shut down the generator then remove the warmers. Everything is on except helmet and gloves.