Yamaha Champions Riding School Coming To CMP On May 7th and 8th

Bucky Badger

New Member
Yamaha champions riding school will be coming to CMP on May 7th and 8th. The cost for the school is about $2000 and it's worth every penny. http://www.yamahachampionsridingschool.com/

From a personal perspective, I have taken this school with Nick and Ken and can tell you that it WILL improve your riding and help take you to the next level. I am able to go faster and do so more comfortably than I have ever been able to. Ron Hix has taken this school three or four times and I believe the his results speak for themselves.

We also had a couple CRs take this course recently and here is some of the things they had to say about it:

"I really believe the school will make me a better faster rider and improve my ability to help others. And not unlike a good NESBA weekend I met some really cool people who I will stay in touch with for years."- Calvin Crosslin

"We spent a good portion of our time learning how to use the front brake to change the geometry/steering of the bike mid corner." - Calvin Crosslin

"For you guys who are already signed up, you are in for a treat for sure."
- Dale Blackman

A complete write up of Dale's experience at the school can be found here

If you are able to go, this is one school you should NOT miss. Learn more about the school by visiting http://www.yamahachampionsridingschool.com/


New Member
Looks like there is noone interested here for this upcoming event. Thanks for the views and hope we can make something work in the future.




New Member
Hey guys, if anyone wants to jump in on this there are still a few days left. We are going to be there and this will be a great school. I know Nick and Ken loved the track when they came out last year and are looking forward to getting back.

If you are a graduate of the school then we can certainly look at a discount for returning or apply credit to your account for a future event. Also, this is a great chance to bring a friend and show them what they have been missing.

Remember, take away the travel costs and extra days of travel, ride your local track, ride your bike, this does not come along very often. This is only one of three schools this season that allows this.

To check out more go to www.YamahaChampionsRidingSchool.com and click on schools.
