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  • TimTheAsian
    I'm on a 675 as well.
    Jake Balsiger
    Jake Balsiger
    OK, thank you for the insight. I love this 675, handles great, has plenty of power for my current ability. I don't feel the urge to buy a 1000. Thanks again, see you at PITT sometime.
    1k's are a lot. I had one for a little bit and stepped back down. But my 1k didnt have all the fancy stuff the new ones have. I refuse to ride a new 1k because I don't want to buy one haha.
    May have a buyer for the bike finally, so couls be doing the bodywork soon. Still interested?
    Text me: 757-470-4847
    Hey Man! thanks for reaching back out. With my current plans I don't think it would make sense for me to get it anymore.

    Going to race my sv this year and most likely sell it and get back on a 600 in 2021.
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