Names to rode to work today for the first time this year


I amin the south and I pussed out at 45 degrees today. I rode Tuesday at 59 though. I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR. I also love that I changes to a 60 mpg rear sprocket.


What is all this talk of snow and a riding season? As long as it isn't raining or below freezing I generally ride. There are too many morons here that leave their sprinklers on and ice up the streets. I did break out the heated gloves yesterday morning for 43, but I probably didn't need them, but I have them so why be cold.


I left the rain liner in my jacket the last few days, but that is about all I had to do to allow for the slightly cooler weather. I am wearing my vented gloves, not my winter ones. I find it nice and refreshing at the moment.